• Posted July 13, 2015
Draft Agenda – July Meeting of Council
July 14, 2015, Witless Bay Town Hall
1. Call to order
2. Adopt the Agenda of July 14, 2015
3. Adopt June 9, 2015 Minutes of Public Meeting
4. Adopt June 23, 2015 Minutes of Special Public Meeting
5. Business Arising from Minutes:
(a) Allegations of conflict of interest pertaining to the vote on the Town Plan in its entirety
(b) Council to determine who can vote in the future on the adoption of the Town Plan in its entirety
(c) Adoption of the Municipal Town Plan
(d) Notice of Motion – Blue Dot Municipal Declaration
(e) Notice of Motion – Terms of Reference for Committees
(f) Ratify Regulations on Remote Meetings
(g) Resolution – Capital Works
(h) Catch basin – 3 Country Path Drive
6. New Business:
(a) Quarry outside of Town Boundary
(b) Correspondence – Clean up tires on Gallows Cove Road
(c) Correspondence – O’Brien’s Trucking
(d) Correspondence – Request to support candidate in the October Federal Election
(e) WSP Report on Site Visits – Setting Priority List
(f) WSP Park Redevelopment Project
(g) Maintenance Assistant
7. Finance:
(a) Income Statement & Payables
(b) Stewart McKelvey – Legal fees
8. Community Enhancement Committee:
(a) Tidy Town’s judging preparations
9. Heritage Committee
10. Public Works & Compliance:
(a) Awarding Tender for Ditching
(b) Modular classrooms – St. Bernard’s School
(c) Residential single family dwelling on 68 Country Path Drive
(d) Garage on 28 Country Path Drive
(e) Shed on 3 Gallows Cove Road
(f) Veranda extension on 36A Gallows Cove Road
(g) Speed bumps
(h) Culvert on Gallows Cove Road
(i) Sign at the intersection of Southern Shore Highway and Southside Track
11. Adjournment
• Posted July 3, 2015
Specific Pictures Needed!
We are finalizing Witless Bay’s “Community Profile” for the national Communities in Bloom competition, and we need the following specific pictures:
1. Caplin rolling on the beach.
2. Caplin being used in the garden (or collected to be used).
3. Seaweed being used in the garden (or being collected).
4. Beautiful gardens & floral planters
5. Rock walls (we need many of these!).
6. Our Town flower (the orange daylily) in residents’ gardens.
7. Traditional fences (riddle fences, longer fences, etc.).
8. Kayaking.
9. And any other picture demonstrating tidiness, environmental action, heritage conservation, community involvement, landscaping, & flowers!
Please email your pictures to the Town:
• Posted July 1, 2015
Canada Day Celebration!
Our Canada Day Celebrations will start at 7pm at the Lower Pond with a BBQ, face painting, bouncy castles! Around 8:30 the BBBAA summer staff will be introduced, and everyone will join in to sing Happy Birthday to Canada – with cupcakes! Fireworks start around 10pm!
• Posted May 26, 2015 •
Draft Agenda
June Public Meeting of the Witless Bay Council
June 9, 2015 at the Town Hall – 7:30 p.m.
1. Call to order
2. Adopt June 9, 2015 Agenda
3. Adopt May 26, 2015 Minutes of Meeting
4. Business arising from Minutes:
a. Vote on allegations of conflict of interest relating to motions on snow clearing
b. Lands Act Review – Letter to be drafted
c. East Coast Trail- Financial support
d. Public Works’ list for asphalt repairs
e. Public Works’ list for road sweeping
f. Ditching tender results
g. Repurposing of Municipal Buildings – Approval of project scope (motion only)
5. New Business:
a. Witless Bay Municipal Plan & Development Regulations
b. Community Sustainability Partnership (for information purpose)
c. Municipal Training circular (for information purpose)
d. Ratification of regulations governing public comment sessions
e. Bluedot Municipal Declaration: Recognizing residents’ right to a healthy environment
f. Kinsmen Club of Witless Bay – Puffin Fest
6. Finance:
a. Income Statement & Payables
b. Southern Avalon Tourism Association
c. Southern Shore Arena
d. Youth Ventures
e. O’Brien’s Trucking invoice
7. Community Enhancement Committee:
a. Quotes for Adopt-A-Spot signs
8. Recreation:
a. Repairs to ballfield
9. Public Works & Compliance:
a. Residential dwelling – 45 Harbour Road (New Line Road)
b. Residential dwelling – Portion of 243-247 Dean’s road
c. Residential dwelling – 184 Dean’s Road
d. Residential dwelling – 11-13 Gallows Cove Road
e. Residential dwelling – John C’s Grove Road
f. Residential dwelling – 46 Country Path Drive
g. Residential dwelling – 41 Country Path Drive
h. Greenhouse – 86 Gull Pond Road
i. Greenhouse – 278 Dean’s Road
j. Shed – 17-23 Carter’s Road
k. Shed – 170 Harbour Road
l. Private use garage – 13 North Side Track
m. Private use garage – 37 Gull Pond Road
n. Ext. to existing garage – 124-126 South Side Track
o. Catch Basin – 3 Country Path Drive
p. Fence – 99 Fisherman’s Road
q. Fence – 6 Diamond Place
r. Deck & culvert – 112 Gallows Cove Road
s. Deck – 153 Dean’s Road
10. Adjournment
• Posted May 26, 2015 •
Two Thirds of our Roads have been adopted!
37 groups have now signed up for Witless Bay’s “ADOPT-A-SPOT program! Participants help maintain our Town’s natural beauty by “adopting” and caring for an area of their choice. This can basically be anything: a strech of coastline, a trail, the banks of a river, a public space, or a street. Anyone can sign up: residents, groups, families, associations & businesses!
When you adopt a spot, it’s “yours,” so it really is up to you how you take care of it. At minimum, it would normally entail picking up litter regularly (at least once every two weeks during the summer). Reporting hazards to the Town is also appreciated (potholes, missing or damaged signs, etc.).
But you can do more, if you feel like it! For instance, some people might prefer taking on smaller “spots” and focus their energies there by sweeping, planting flowers on town-owned land or on friends’, family’s & neighbours’ properties (with permission), etc… Anything that makes our community a better, prettier, more sustainable and safer place helps!
Heather, Amélie and I have adopted a trail, and we’ve decided our participation will involve picking up litter, cutting down brush so it doesn’t take over the trail, and raking and repairing footpaths. This is a lot of work, so we’re doing it a little at a time. But it’s a lot of fun too, since it’s an excuse to go hiking with our baby girl!
There are still tons of “spots” left – please message or call (1166) Mayor Sébastien Després for more info and/or to sign up!
• Posted May 26, 2015 •
Draft Agenda – Public Meeting of Council, May 26
May 26th, 7:30pm, at the Witless Bay Town Offica
1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of the May 26, 2015 Agenda
3. Ratification of May 12, 2015 Minutes of Meeting
4. Allegations of Conflict of Interest in relation to the Town Plan
5. Allegations of Conflict of Interest in relation to motions on Snow Clearing
6. New Business:
a. Canada 150 Fund Application – Recreation Grounds Upgrades
b. Gas Tax Fund – “Beautification of key locations”
c. Correspondence: Review of Current Lands Act and Service Delivery Model
d. Correspondence: Open Air Fire Regulations
e. Delays in opening Puffin Centre (for information only)
f. South Side Track Phase II: Progress Report (for information only)
7. Community Enhancement Committee:
a. The Witless Adopt-A-Spot Program
b. Civic Addresses/Street Numbers: A contest to help emergency responders locate households and businesses
c. The Witless Bay PuffinFest 2015
d. Report from the Chair on other activities
e. Old Cemetery Cleanup with MUN students June 23
f. Signage for the Tourism Chalet
g. MMSB Composters & Composting training workshop
10. Public Works:
a. Call for quotes – Ditching
b. Call for quotes – Asphalt repairs
c. Sweeping the Town’s roadways
11. Adjournment
• Posted May 11, 2015 •
May Newsletter
VIEW NEWSLETTER AS PDF: Newsletter 2015-05b
HIGH-QUALITY PDF (loads slowly)Newsletter 2015-05
Great news – the Town of Witless Bay’s application for upgrading the second half of the South Side Track has been accepted by the Province under the Municipal Capital Works program! Ninety percent (90%) of the total project cost ($770,000.00) will be paid by the Province. Engineering will begin shortly, and roadwork is set to begin early to mid-summer.
Witless Bay is one of only two towns in the province invited to participate in the 2015 National Communities in Bloom competition! Aiming to foster civic pride, environmental responsibility and beautification through community involvement, the program focuses on enhancing green spaces. To pitch in:
• Plant more flowers in your yard!
• Share cuttings & seedlings with your neighbours!
• Adopt a town-owned spot & plant flowers!
• Plant a flowering garden this season!
The Witless Bay Mayor’s Hike for Heart & Stroke will take place on JULY 22nd this year. Everyone is welcome to join in on the hike, but even if you can’t make it on the trail, please consider supporting this worthwhile cause by pledging another participant to help with life-saving research. A minimum donation of $25 is required to receive a t-shirt, but any donation helps with the fight against NL’s #1 cause of death. To donate or to obtain fundraising materials, please contact Mayor Sébastien Després (334-1166). A receipt will be issued for any amount donated.
Witless Bay’s residents, associations and businesses are invited to adopt a spot in our community! Participants in our Adopt-A-Spot program help maintain our Town’s natural beauty by “adopting” and caring for an area of their choice (a strech of coastline, a trail, the banks of a river, a public space, or a street). Check out the map at the back of this Newsletter to see which spots are still available! For more info, please contact Mayor Sébastien Després (334-1166).
The due date for taxes is May 31st. A monthly interest fee of 1.5% will accrue on unpaid account if suitable arrangements are not made to have the account paid in full by October 31st. Accounts in arrears after this date will be prepared for collection.
A group of Memorial University undergraduate students are coming to Witless Bay as volunteers! Participating in MUN’S “Make Mid-Term Matter” program, these students will be learning about our community’s history while helping to restore the grounds where many of the founding families of the community are buried. Designated a Municipal Heritage Site in 2006, some of the stone markers in the old cemetery are from the late 1700s, when permanent settlement in the area first began. Many of the Irish names on the headstones are still common in Witless Bay today! On TUESDAY, JUNE 23rd, please join these MUN students, Witless Bay’s Heritage Committee, and our Community Enhancement Committee in the effort! Read about last year’s Make Midterm Matter cemetery cleanup at: tinyurl.com/CemeteryCleanup
Eastern Waste Management is holding the last bulk garbage collection of the Spring on May 27th. Call OK Towing this month & they’ll PAY $60 for your wreck! 728-9898
The Town of Witless Bay has partnered with MMSB again this year, and has purchased 50 more plastic composters that will be sold to residents at the subsidized cost price of $25. Bins will be sold on a first come, first serve basis – call the Town Office to reserve one! A FREE “Learn to Compost” workshop will be offered at the Town Office on Tuesday, June 2nd at 7pm.
The Town of Witless Bay thanks the 64 volunteers who joined the Kinsmen, the Witless Bay Town Council, & our Community Enhancement Committee to make our 2015 Kinsmen Community Cleanup a FANTASTIC success again this year, with 170 bags collected! This event was sponsored by the Witless Bay Kinsmen, Tim Horton’s, the Witless Bay Home Hardware, the Knights of Columbus, & the Town of Witless Bay. Great job, everyone!!!
The Province requires that a permit be obtained to light outdoor fires to clear land or burn brush within 300 metres of a forest. Permits are free, and can be obtained from Forestry Services’ District Office (220 Paddy’s Pond Road, St. John’s; 729-4180; www.nr.gov.nl.ca/nr/forestry). Please exercise great caution every time you light a fire!
We have had many inquiries about delays in re-opening of the Town’s Recreation Centre (our Puffin Centre). Council has been trying to work through the many issues with this building since they arose. While waiting on the approval of Service NL last September, Council discovered that the town’s engineer did not have the septic system inspected and approved prior to its being covered over. As a result, Service NL determined that the system would have to be uncovered and inspected. Minor issues were identified, but Council dealt with these immediately and the Inspector approved the system. Service NL then informed the Town that a set of architectural plans would be required. These were supposed to have been done prior to the start of the building, but the Town was never made aware that they had not been completed. No architect was willing to approve the plans drawn by the town’s engineer or willing to draw plans for a building that was already built. Through further discussions, it was determined that an “as-built” report by an architect would satisfy Service NL’s requirements. When the report was completed, a number of changes to the building were required, which the Town promptly addressed. Service NL then requested a recent survey of the land. When the Town sought to obtain this survey, Council was informed that the Town does not own the land on which the building sits. The Town had applied for this Crown land a number of years ago, but the application was never processed by the Province. The Town has now renewed this application, and we are hopeful that this is the last of the challenges we will face with the opening of the Puffin Centre. We apologize for the delays and the frustration it has caused the users of this facility. Unfortunately, most of the challenges we have been facing were out of the Town’s control.
Displaying your civic number on your house or at the end of your driveway ensures fast emergency response for the AMBULANCE, FIRE and POLICE Services. Street numbers ensure that emergency responders can find you or your neighbor easily to save lives & property. They also help first responders calculate when to start slowing down for the number they are looking for.
Our Community Enhancement Committee is launching a contest for the best/most original civic addresses to encourage our residents and businesses to post their street numbers! To participate, simply submit a picture of your original civic number to the Town (email your picture to townofwitlessbay@nl.rogers.com or drop it off at the Town Office, with your contact information). The deadline for the contest is July 16th.
Mayor Sébastien Després, Deputy-Mayor Dena Wiseman
Councillors Kevin Smart, Albert Murphy, René Estrada, Ralph Carey, & Ken Brinston
Town Clerk-Manager Geraldine Caul, Assistant Clerk Barb Harrigan, Grounds/Maintenance Aiden Carey.
• Posted May 11, 2015 •
Adopt-A-Spot: Sign up now!
29 groups have already signed up for Witless Bay’s “ADOPT-A-SPOT program since it was launched on May 9th! Participants help maintain our Town’s natural beauty by “adopting” and caring for an area of their choice. This can basically be anything: a strech of coastline, a trail, the banks of a river, a public space, or a street. Anyone can sign up: residents, groups, families, associations & businesses!
When you adopt a spot, it’s “yours,” so it really is up to you how you take care of it. At minimum, it would normally entail picking up litter regularly (at least once every two weeks during the summer). Reporting hazards to the Town is also appreciated (potholes, missing or damaged signs, etc.).
But you can do more, if you feel like it!
For instance, some people might prefer taking on smaller “spots” and focus their energies there by sweeping, planting flowers on town-owned land or on friends’, family’s & neighbours’ properties (with permission), etc… Anything that makes our community a better, prettier, more sustainable and safer place helps!
Heather, Amélie and I have adopted a trail, and we’ve decided our participation will involve picking up litter, cutting down brush so it doesn’t take over the trail, and raking and repairing footpaths. This is a lot of work, so we’re doing it a little at a time. But it’s a lot of fun too, since it’s an excuse to go hiking with our baby girl!
There are still tons of “spots” left!
Please message or call (1166) Mayor Sébastien Després for more info and/or to sign up!
• Posted May 11, 2015 •
Public Meeting of Witless Bay Council
May 12, 2015 at the Town Hall – 7:30 p.m.
1. Call to order
2. Adoption of May 12, 2015 Agenda
3. Adoption of March 24, 2015 Minutes of Privileged Meeting
4. Adoption of April 21, 2015 Minutes of Private Meeting
5. Adoption of April 28, 2015 Minutes of Public Meeting
6. Business Arising:
a. Rules of Order for Public Question & Answer period
7. New Business:
a. Report from Municipal Affairs
b. Allegation of conflict of interest regarding motions relating to the Town Plan
c. Allegation of conflict of interest regarding motions relating to snow clearing
d. Correspondence from Municipal Affairs
e. Capital Works – Track Road Phase II
8. Finance:
a. Income statement and payables
b. East Coast Trail – Request for financial support
9. Community Enhancement Committee:
a. Report
10. Public Works & Compliance:
a. Residential single family dwelling – Lot 90 Country Path Drive
b. Residential Single family dwelling – Birchy Hill (New Line Road)
c. Garage – 124 Gull Pond Road
d. Garage – 4 Country Path Drive
e. Deck 7 Steps – 67 Dunn’s Lane
f. Application to operate a home based business – 124 Gull Pond Road
11. Adjournment
• Posted May 9, 2015 •
Another Successful Kinsmen Community Cleanup
There was another GREAT turnout for the Kinsmen Community Cleanup this year! Thank you to the SIXTY-FOUR (64!) volunteers who joined the Witless Bay Kinsmen, the Witless Bay Town Council, & our Community Enhancement Committee to make our cleanup a FANTASTIC success!
This event was sponsored by the Witless Bay Kinsmen, Tim Horton’s, the Witless Bay Home Hardware & the Town of Witless Bay!
• Posted April 30, 2015 •
Spring 2015 Newsletter
Town of Witless Bay Spring 2015 Newsletter 2015-04
MAY 9TH – KINSMEN COMMUNITY CLEANUP: Witless Bay’s annual spring cleanup is taking place on SATURDAY, MAY 9th (weather permitting). To prepare the Town for this summer’s provincial Tidy Towns and National Communities in Bloom contests, we’re aiming to make this the biggest cleanup ever. We’ll be attempting to break a the record we set last year for the biggest puffin ever made out of garbage! The event starts at 8:00am sharp at the Knights of Columbus Building, and is sponsored by the Town of Witless Bay, Witless Bay Home Hardware, Tim Hortons & Robin’s Donuts (who’ll be providing refreshments & snacks!).
MAY 9TH – OFFICIAL LAUNCH OF OUR ADOPT-A-SPOT PROGRAM: Participants in Witless Bay’s Adopt-A-Spot program “adopt” and care for an area of their choice (a strech of coastline, a trail, a public space, or the street you live on!). Sign up during the Kinsmen Cleanup! For more info, please contact Mayor Sébastien Després (334-1166).
STUDENT SUMMER JOBS: The Town of Witless Bay has applied for funding under the province’s Student Summer Employment program, which enables students to work in their home community during the summer, develop transferable skills, explore career interests and help non-profit organizations carry out their programs. Applicants must be residents of Witless Bay, and be undertaking Level I, II, III, or postsecondary studies in the coming year. The pay: $10.25/hr. Deadline for submission of applications is 12:00noon, May 20, 2015.
TOWN INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS: Over the next months, there will be roadwork throughout the community, with extensive ditching, road repairs, and shouldering being undertaken by the Town. NL Power will also be beginning the first phase of its penstock replacement project, which involves upgrading the roadway from the end of Northside Track up to the Penstock and brush cutting from the powerhouse to Gull Pond.
PERMITS: Spring signals the start of construction season in the town. Although the deadline for submissions is 12:00noon on the Thursday prior to each public meeting (on the 2nd Tuesday of each month), it’s a good idea to submit applications early, since this ensures that Public Works is able complete the necessary site visits and verify that applications are duly completed before the public meeting.
Mayor Sébastien Després, Deputy-Mayor Dena Wiseman
Councillors Kevin Smart, Albert Murphy, René Estrada, Ralph Carey, & Ken Brinston
Town Clerk-Manager Geraldine Caul, Assistant Clerk Barb Harrigan, Grounds/Maintenance Aiden Carey.
This year, the Town of Witless Bay is participating in TWO community improvement & beautification programs: “Tidy Towns NL” and a national competition titled “Communities in Bloom.” To help prepare our town, the months leading up to the judges’ visits have each been given a theme!
Here are some of the special events and activities we have planned:
• Adopt-A-Spot program kickoff
• Kinsmen Community Cleanup
• Composting Program begins
• Car wreck cleanup
• Mayor’s Hike for Heart & Stroke
• Unveiling Adopt-a-Spot Signs
• Community Volunteering day
• Tidy Town Hour begins
• Puffin Patrol begins operations
• Preparations for the Puffinfest
• Canada Day Celebrations
• Judging Begins!
Winning Municipalities NL’s Tidy Towns competition last year was a big deal, since the competition isn’t just about keeping streets clean. A Tidy Town improves Witless Bay’s economic prospects, attracts business, boosts tourism, increases residents’ standard of living, enhances civic pride, connects residents together, & broadens volunteer networks!
The judges were impressed by the incredible amount of work that was done this past year to beautify the Town. A big thanks goes out to the Community Enhancement Committee, our residents and volunteers, the Heritage Committee, and our Town Council & staff. Thanks also goes out to the many community groups and associations who pitched in and donated their time and energies to this effort (the Kinsmen, The O’Connor 50+ Club, the Girl Guides, the Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish, the BBBAA, the Puffin Patrol, St. Bernard’s Elementary School, Mobile High School, the Witless Bay Regional Fire Department, and all the others!). Credit also goes out to the many businesses who helped in our Tidy Towns bid, including the Witless Bay Home Hardware, Witless Bay Ecotours, Needs Convenience, Independent Consultants Group, Felix’s, & the great team at Municipalities NL!
So long, garbage. Hello beautiful Witless Bay!
We’re happy to invite residents, families, community groups, & businesses to participate in our new Adopt-a-Spot program! This community beautification initiative formally enables residents to choose an area, adopt it, look after it, and make a visible difference! Volunteers will receive a certificate of adoption and be recognized with a sign bearing their name at their location as well as an acknowledgment on the town’s Adopt-A-Spot Map. Awards wil be given out for a number of Adopt-A-Spot categories:
ADOPT A ROADWAY! Choose a strech of road and keep it beautiful, maintaining it free of garbage and debris, tending to the plants and grass, etc!
ADOPT A SPOT! A number of spots throughout the community are in need of being beautified with plants, flowers, shrubs & plain old TLC!
ADOPT A TRAIL! Why not enjoy the scenic beauty of Witless Bay’s trails while contributing to the community? Sign up to keep a trail clean from litter and ensure that it remains safe for others by reporting & addressing hazards!
ADOPT A SHORELINE! Help out the environment and our Ecological Reserve by keeping a shoreline clean of debris and garbage!
To sign up & help instil a pride of place in our community,
contact Mayor Sébastien Després: 334-1166!
• Posted April 29, 2015 •
Student Summer Employment
The Town of Witless Bay has applied for funding under the Student Summer Employment Programs. The student Summer Employment Program is a program that enables students to work in their home community during the summer, develop transferable skills, explore career interests and help non-profit organizations carry out their programs. Students will be paid the minimum wage of $10.25 per hour.
OPPORTUNITY #1: Students must meet the following criteria:
1. Students must be planning to attend a post-secondary institution on a full time basis in the coming academic year.
2. Students must have been registered as a full time student in the previous year.
3. Applicants must reside in Witless Bay.
OPPORTUNITY #2: Students must meet the following criteria:
1. Must be a student who is enrolled in Level I, II, or III.
2. Applicants must reside in Witless Bay.
Deadline for submission of applications is 12:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 20, 2015.
• Posted April 27, 2015 •
Draft Agenda – April Public Meeting
Municipality of Witless Bay Town Council, 7:30pm, April 28th 2015
1. Call to order
2. Adopt Agenda of April 28, 2015
3. Adopt March 10, 2015 Minutes of Meeting
4. New Business:
a. Resident’s request to meet with Council to discuss rezoning of private land on Bear’s Cove Road
b. Kinsmen Clean up – May 9
c. Public Question & Answer period
5. Finance:
a. Income Statement & Payables (Information purpose)
b. Bay Bulls-Bauline Athletic Association:
i. Auction Dinner & Dance – May 30
ii. BBBAA Financial Statement (Information purpose)
c. Request from business owner to meet with Council to review business tax
d. Snow clearing invoices & logs for period March 1 to April 11, 2015 ($53,512.83)
e. Purchase of Asphalt
6. Community Enhancement Committee
a. Tidy Towns/Communities in Bloom – Community judging scheduled for July 21-23
7. Public Works:
a. Application for residential single family dwellings for:
42 Country Path Drive
49 Country Path Drive
65 Country Path Drive
70 Country Path Drive
72 Country Path Drive
b. Application for residential single family dwelling – corner of Andrew’s Lane & Carey’s Road
c. Application to excavate, develop residential single family dwelling and garage and fence property – Gull Pond Road
d. Approval process for pre-approved subdivision lots
e. Standing Offers for May 1, 2015 to May 1, 2016
f. NL Power request to meet regarding road upgrades required to repair Penstock
g. Request to repair/upgrade road at end of Northside Track
h. Request for Council to redirect water from the town’s culvert away from private property and into a ditch on Tuff’s Road
i. Request for Council to clean out the ditch on private property on Carey’s Road
8. Adjournment
• Posted March 8, 2015 •
Draft Agenda – March Public Meeting
Municipality of Witless Bay Town Council, 7:30pm, March 10th 2015
1. Call to order
2. Adoption of March 10, 2015 Agenda
3. Adoption of February 10, 2015 Minutes of Meeting
4. New Business:
a. Welcome new Councillors
b. Amendments to appeal provisions in Urban & Rural Planning – information only.
c. Public Discussion Sessions
5. Committee Reports:
a. Paid expenses
b. Snow Clearing logs
Community Enhancement Committee:
Public Works & Compliance:
a. Residential single family dwelling – Dunn’s Lane
b. Residential single family dwelling – 297 Southern Shore Highway
c. Residential single family dwelling – 202-206 Dean’s Road
d. Shed & Hot House – 166 Gull Pond Road
e. Crown Land application – Witless Bay Line (for culvert)
f. Appeal relating rural land on Gallows Cove Road
6. Adjournment
• Posted February 11, 2015 •
February 2015 Newsletter
Printable PDF Version: Town of Witless Bay February 2015 Newsletter
A by-election has been called to fill the two seats currently available on our Town Council. Voting takes place at the Town Office from 8am to 8pm on Wednesday, February 25th. Three residents have been nominated for election:
The goal of this committee is to make Witless Bay a better, friendlier, even more beautiful place to live. Meetings during the Spring and summer are from 7:30pm to 9:00pm on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. The next meeting takes place on TUESDAY, MARCH 3rd at 7:30pm in Council Chambers. We hope to see you there!
The 2014-2024 Municipal Plan has now been submitted to the Province for registration. The result of many hours of study, analysis, and extensive public consultation, the purpose of this plan is to ensure smart development for a prosperous town. Attached to this Newsletter are the details relating to the two issues that have received the most attention during the past months. We invite residents to read about Council’s decision to retain the original RURAL zoning at Ragged Beach, and Council’s decision to increase the minimum lot size in undeveloped parts of the town, ensuring that future subdivisions are an asset, not a liability.
Describing what they wish Witless Bay would be like in the year 2030, residents painted a picture of a town that looks a lot like the place we know and love today: a beautiful community with rural charm, a rich heritage, and rugged natural beauty. The Town’s new Tourism & Business Renewal & Growth Strategy will help diversify our local economy and create a more stable commercial tax base by guiding Council in the coming years, establishing clear goals and actions to be followed so that we can continue to make Witless Bay an even better place in which to grow and prosper. Next month’s newsletter will have all the details!
Mayor Sébastien Després, Deputy-Mayor Dena Wiseman
Councillors Kevin Smart, René Estrada, & Ralph Carey
Town Clerk-Manager Geraldine Caul, Assistant Clerk Barb Harrigan, Grounds/Maintenance Aiden Carey.
• Protecting our water supply
• Preserving our community’s rural character
• Keeping taxes low
Lot size has an important impact on a broad range of issues. The most obvious of these is the risk of problems with the water table. Allowing half-acre lots in future subdivisions would eventually force the Town to install piped water & sewer, at great cost to our residents. We don’t need a crystal ball to know this – we just have to look to the hundreds of other NL communities that have found themselves in this position.
Until very recently, residential development in Witless Bay took place slowly and naturally. Because of this, the town we know and love today has narrow lanes, houses at various levels from the road, roads on steep inclines, irregular lots, and will soon have nearly forty kilometres of winding roadway. While these things make Witless Bay the gorgeous place we get to call home, they also would make the installation, operation, and maintenance of public water and sewer exceptionally costly.
Piped services are not a guarantee of safe drinking water
Most communities in the province that are currently equipped with public systems can’t guarantee a healthy source of drinking water to their residents. Almost 200 NL communities issued Boil Water Orders in the past two years, with 137 of these lasting for over 5 years. Residents in almost a third of communities in the province are drinking water with dangerously high levels of haloacetic acid and/or trihalomethanes. These disinfectant by-products are linked to cancers of the liver, kidneys, bladder & colon, & shorten life expectancies. www.mun.ca/HarrisCentre/Rural_Water_Report.pdf
Other advantages of larger lots in new subdivisions:
• Larger lots are more comfortable for homeowners, their children, and their pets.
• They help protect the community’s rural character & are better for a rural lifestyle.
• They have a positive impact on the community’s property values & resale values.
• They allow subdivision developers to do selective cutting instead of clear-cutting.
• They are much more flexible. They allow for later remodeling and expansion.
• Larger lots allow for a better siting of structures and more organic landscapes.
• They allow for gardening, increased self-sufficiency, and enjoyment of their property.
• Larger lots require much less reworking for septic installation.
• Larger lots allow for better siting of Town infrastructure (storm drains, ditches, etc.)
• Larger lots also help produce privacy (for both current and future residents).
Residents have asked Council to protect the rural character of the community and its water table. This has come through as a priority during public consultations, strategic planning retreats, public hearings, residents’ advisory committee meetings, and in everyday correspondence. One-acre lots in newly developed parts of the town will help protect our water supply, preserve our community’s rural character, & keep taxes low.
Although many people are not aware of it, the new Town Plan does NOT rezone the private land at Ragged Beach. This area has always been zoned rural, and it remains rural in the new Town Plan. While Council did initially intend to rezone this section as “recreation,” it was finally decided, last August, that it will keep its original zoning.
Council thoroughly examined the proposal to develop Ragged Beach and met with the developer a number of times to discuss the many impediments to the project. Council finally assessed that allowing a subdivision at this site is not in the best interests of the community, since the issues, problems, lost opportunities, and costs related to the project far outweigh the benefits the Town and its residents would reap from it.
Issues with Access
The very first time the proposal for a development at Ragged Beach was presented to Council (early 2010), the issue of access was identified as a concern. This was set as a condition, and repeated throughout the history of the file. Access to the property has not been demonstrated, after more than five years of repeated requests from Council.
The issue of access is complicated by the regulations, which stipulate that no dead-end street can be over 300 metres in length. To circumvent this regulations, the subdivision proposal at Ragged Beach called for the construction of a cul-de-sac coming out from a dead-end road which itself would come out from the end of another lane at the end of another dead end road. This complicated scheme required the Town to treat three sections of the same road as three separate and distinct roads. Such distortion of the facts for the Town to avoid following its own regulations (and the Province’s) is questionable and would set a dangerous precedent.
Expropriation of Other Landowners & Financial Considerations
When the Ragged Beach file was discussed by the past Council, it was made very clear that no expropriation would take place. And rightly so: Expropriation is a governmental power reserved for circumstances where the public interest is clearly served, and the proposed subdivision does not meet this conditions. Since the path proposed as an access to the proposed subdivision has never been owned by the Town, the expropriation of land and assets from private landowners would therefore be necessary for development to proceed at Ragged Beach. Since the Expropriation Act is unclear about what constitutes “land detrimentally affected by an expropriation,” this could expose the Town to a many unforseen financial responsibilities.
Members of the former Council also made it clear that Mullowney’s Lane would not be widened to allow for the proposed development. Since then, however, the Minister has made the widening of this lane a condition for rezoning. While the applicant had offered to pay for a portion, a substantial portion of the cost would nonetheless fall on the Town. Legislation states that a municipality must compensate landowners for the removal of improvements within a street reservation when these were built before a road was approved by council. This is treated as an expropriation under the Planning Act. There are a number of such improvements on Mullowney’s Lane, including two wells. The widening Mullowney’s Lane therefore exposes the town to significant costs.
One of the top priorities of a municipal government is to ensure its financial wellbeing. Allowing the development of land at Ragged Beach would be detrimental to the town’s financial position, with costs far outweighing benefits. In addition to construction costs, road maintenance and snow clearing costs of the proposed roadway would be the Town’s responsibility. The cost of servicing and maintaining this roadway would outweigh the tax revenues generated by the proposed development. Piped water and sewer, should these ever be required in this area, would be cost-prohibitive.
Ragged Beach: A Key Asset
Ragged beach has long been recognized as one of the community’s key assets. Designated as a park in the 2005 Town Plan, the town’s 2010 Integrated Community Sustainability Plan highlighted the importance of preserving, sustaining, and protecting this site. Witless Bay is perfectly situated to capture an important share of the province’s billion-dollar tourism industry. One of the obvious stopping points along the Irish Loop, our beautiful town has a lot to offer: it is home to the largest colony of the province’s official bird, and our Puffin Patrol is attracting international attention. Witless Bay has breathtaking views, great beaches, tons of heritage homes and buildings, some of the best angling around, fantastic trail systems for hiking and snowmobiling, and a stunning pristine rural coastline. National Geographic Traveller Magazine has rated the Avalon’s Coastline as the world’s top Coastal destination.
Witless Bay just became the first town in the area to win a Tidy Towns award, and has been invited to participate in the national Communities in Bloom competition. These significant achievements demonstrate that Witless Bay is well on its way to realizing its extraordinary potential as a tourism destination. For the town to achieve its potential, however, its key assets must be carefully managed and protected.
Environmental Impact
A number of experts, specialists, groups, citizens’ organizations, and associations have voiced grave concerns about the environmental impact that the proposed development could have on the nearby ecological reserve, as has the Province’s Minister of Environment and Conservation, who invited Council to proceed with caution. The Witless Bay Ecological Reserve has great potential as an economic driver for our community, so it makes good business sense to protect it.
There has been unprecedented opposition to the proposal to develop a subdivision at Ragged Beach. Over 400 letters opposing the project were sent in by residents of Witless Bay. In addition to these, nearly 1000 additional letters were submitted by various other stakeholders. Only 11 individuals ever submitted letters in favour of the project.
Hundreds of residents have asked Council to consider the importance of Ragged Beach for their families, to recognize its symbolic importance to the community, and to realize this area’s great potential as an income generator for the town. The opposition to the development of Ragged Beach was consistent throughout the Public Consultation process that was held to allow for various stakeholders’ opinions to be heard. The report submitted by the Public Consultation Planning Committee was squarely opposed to it, and our Town Planner advised the Town against it.
The series of public consultations held by the current Council regarding the future of our town have re-confirmed the importance of this area to our residents. The Commissioner’s Report from last summer’s Public Hearing (available at the Town Office) confirms the merit of Council’s approach and validates the land use planning decisions made by the Town.
For these reasons, Ragged Beach will
keep its original RURAL designation
in the 2014-2024 Municipal Plan.
Printable PDF Version: Town of Witless Bay February 2015 Newsletter
• Posted February 11, 2015 •
At the November public meeting of Council, Mr. Fraser Paul accused Councillor Wiseman, Councillor Carey, and Councillor Smart of being in a conflict of interest in relation to the adoption of the Town Plan. Mr. Paul’s reasoning was that land owned by these councillors had been rezoned in the new Town Plan, therefore placing them in a conflict of interest. After reviewing the matter, however, it was clear that there was no possible conflict of interest in this case, since the decision to rezone this parcel had been voted on and submitted to Municipal Affairs by the former Council, years before these three councillors even took office.

During the public discussion session which followed last night’s public meeting, Councillor Wiseman and Councillor Carey were again accused of having placed themselves in a conflict of interest. This time, the accusation was relating to the town’s roads list for snow clearing. These stakeholders then declared that proof of wrongdoing on the part of Council had been revealed through an ATIPP request for correspondence between the Town and Municipal Affairs. ( http://www.atipp.gov.nl.ca/info/completed/2015/pdf/miga_18_2014.pdf)
At an informal meeting last September, a discussion took place between five members of Council regarding the coming year’s snow clearing contract. During this discussion, a strange case was brought up: some roads in the community have been snow cleared by the town’s operators for the past number of years despite the fact that the roads in question do not appear on the town’s Limits of Service map or the town’s Snow Clearing Roads List. No one present could explain the reason for this discrepancy.
The next day, it was discovered that Councillor Carey and Councillor Wiseman own a parcel of land situated along the road in question. Having confirmed the ownership of the land, and recognizing the possibility of a conflict of interest, I called Municipal Affairs for guidance.
Municipal Affairs staff explained the process to be followed in order to Council to deal with the concern, which entailed the Town’s sending a letter to the two councillors in question, informing them that a private hearing would be held in order for Council to discuss the matter and make a decision about whether the conflict of interest provisions in the Municipalities Act had been violated. Recognizing the seriousness of the matter, I asked Municipal Affairs for a template or an example of such a letter, but none was available. In drafting this letter, I made two mistakes:
1. Instead of stating that there were “concerns” about a “possible” conflict of interest, the letter stated the matter as fact.
2. The letter was sent on behalf of the Town without having been cleared by the remainder of Council (I was the only voting member of Council to sign off on it or see it before it was sent).
The day before the private hearing was to take place, five members of Council called a meeting to discuss pending issues. I was unavailable at the time for which this meeting was scheduled. When the matter of the conflict of interest and the private hearing came up, Councillor Wiseman and Councillor Carey excused themselves, and the three remaining councillors voted to cancel the private hearing I had called. Since quorum was lost after Councillor Carey and Councillor Wiseman excused themselves, however, the decision to cancel the private hearing was no more valid than my decision to schedule one in the first place.
While the private hearing did not proceed the next day, we did hold a meeting to discuss possible ways forward, where I explained my understanding that our duties as elected representatives require us to deal with the possible conflict. I insisted that a private hearing be held so that Council could make a formal decision on the matter. The two other councillors who were present at the time of the discussion in question (Councillor Mair and Councillor Hann) voiced their disagreement, explaining that they had no concerns whatsoever about what had happened, and that there was simply no reason for concerns relating to conflicts of interest. Recognizing the importance of discussing the matter with the two councillors who had not been present on the evening of the informal meeting and of giving an opportunity to Councillor Wiseman and Councillor Carey to present their position, I insisted that the private hearing proceed (as I had been instructed to do by Municipal Affairs). Dismayed by this unilateral decision about the necessity of a private hearing, Councillor Mair and Councillor Hann left the meeting, informing us that they were resigning from their seats on Council. Letters of resignation arrived shortly thereafter.
On the same evening, the Town received an email from Municipal Affairs with clarifications on some of the procedural matters surrounding the need for a private hearing. Since some of the information in this email could potentially have had an impact on Councillor Mair’s and Councillor Hann’s decision to resign, I wrote to Municipal Affairs explaining what had happened and asking whether the genie could be put back in the bottle. Municipal Affairs’ response made it clear that it was impossible for our two newest members of council to “unquit” and regain their seats because they had already submitted written notices of resignation.
Having lost two councillors, and with two councillors unable to vote on their own fate as per the Municipalities Act, Council was left without a way to resolve the situation, since a quorum of four is required for any decision of Council. In order to move forward, Councillor Estrada and I agreed to request the Minister’s permission for a reduced quorum of three to make the decision on behalf of Council. We received the Minister’s response to our request in late November. Permission was denied, leaving Council without the legislative means to make a decision relating to this possible conflict of interest until the town has a full complement of seven councillors.
While I did, in my role as Mayor, raise a concern about a possible conflict of interest, it is important to note that I do not have the authority to make a decision about whether such a conflict took place. This is necessarily a decision of Council. Without a full complement, however, Council does not have the power to make a decision either. Decisions relating to a conflict of interest involve the possibility of vacating the seats of duly elected members of a government, so these are particularly delicate and must be made following the proper protocol. Failing to follow procedures can expose the town to legal action.
Despite the fact that we serve on Council as unpaid volunteers, the responsibilities that go along with our roles as members of Council is enormous. Adding to the complexity of our roles is the public nature of this work. Our duty as elected officials is the stewardship of the public interest. As elected volunteers, our task is to work for the common good of the people of Witless Bay. In my capacity as Mayor, I am fully confident that the decisions that have been made and enacted by this Council since our election are in the best interests of the residents of our beautiful town. I am inspired by the Vision Statement that was officially adopted by the Town at last night’s meeting, and hope that this message brings us one step closer to achieving what residents have asked us to strive for:
“The people of Witless Bay stand united as stewards of rich natural, cultural and heritage resources to ensure our beautiful town’s continued vitality. We are recognized for an authentic identity and inviting character that makes our community a great place in which to grow and prosper.”
• Posted February 8, 2015 •
Witless Bay’s Tourism and Business Renewal and Growth Strategy 2015-2020
Witless Bay has been growing at a lightning pace for the past few years. In order to secure Witless Bay’s future prosperity and ensure the town’s long-term sustainability, we must now work to diversify the town’s tax base with growth in business and industry. This is important in terms of economic growth and tax base stability. It will also provide new opportunities for residents and stakeholders, create new jobs, enhance the quality of life of our residents, assist in the maintenance of our infrastructure, attract new investments, and help keep residential taxes low.
We’ve already made big steps in this direction. Over the past eighteen months, we’ve managed to grow our business complement significantly, we’ve worked to make our town a safer place, and have made increased investments in recreation infrastructure to enhance residents’ quality of life. But a lot more is left to be done.
At this Tuesday’s monthly public meeting of Council (7:30pm), the Town’s new Tourism and Business Renewal and Growth Strategy will be presented to Council by our consultant. The result of over one year of consultations with residents and local businesses, discussions with funding agencies and government departments, community participation, and professional input and analysis, this impressive document lays out the key goals to be achieved in order to ensure a strong and diversified economy for the town, and it identifies the steps to achieving these goals.
This is exciting news – Join us and see the presentation!
• Posted February 6, 2015 •
Draft Agenda – February Public Meeting
Municipality of Witless Bay Town Council, 7:30pm, February 10th 2015
1. Call to order
2. Adopt Agenda of Feb. 10/15
3. Adopt Minutes of Meeting of Jan. 13/15
4. Business Arising from Minutes:
a. Gas Tax projects
5. New Business:
a. Tourism & Business Growth & Renewal Strategy presentation to Council
b. Vision Statement for the Town of Witless Bay
c. Town Logo
d. Appointing Appeal Commissioner
e. MMSB Compost Bins
6. Committees
a. Monthly payables
b. Snow clearing logs/invoices
Community Enhancement Committee:
a. Launching the 2015 Adopt-A-Spot Program
b. Kinsmen Community Clean-up 2015 (Information only)
Public Works & Compliance:
a. Residential single family dwelling – 69 Country Path Drive
b. Garage – 21 Country Path Drive
c. Shed – 16 Gallows Cove Road
7. Adjournment
• Posted January 22, 2015 •
Municipality of Witless Bay Municipal By-Election
The following persons have been nominated for election to council:
For Councillor:
Brenda Armstrong
Ken Brinston
Albert Murphy
The election will take place on Wednesday the 25th of February, 2015 between the hours of eight (8) a.m. and eight (8) p.m. The polling booth will be located at the Witless Bay Town Hall.
Geraldine Caul, Returning Officer
• Posted January 18, 2015 •
PUBLIC NOTICE: Nomination of Candidates
Nominations of candidates for election to the council for the Municipality of Witless Bay will be received between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on January 21, 2015 at the Witless Bay Town Hall.
Nominations shall be in writing and state the name and civic address of the candidate and shall be signed by the Proposer and Seconder both of whom shall be present together with the candidate who shall sign also signifying his/her acceptance. In the event that a candidate cannot be present for his/her nomination, his/her Proposer and Seconder can complete the required form. Every candidate shall at the time of his/her nomination, deposit with the Returning Officer, the non-refundable sum of ten dollars ($10.00).
The qualifications of a candidate for election to council are as follows:
(1) Canadian Citizen of the full age of eighteen years.
(2) Resident of the municipality or area for at least 30 days immediately prior to the date set for the nomination period.
(3) Not indebted to the Council for any arrears of taxes or other charges.
(4) Not otherwise disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act.
– Geraldine Caul, Returning Officer
• Posted December 8, 2014 •
Meeting scheduled for December 9, 2014 (7:30 p.m.)
1. Call to order
2. Adoption of December 9, 2014 Agenda
3. Adoption of November 13, 2014 Minutes of Meeting
4. Business Arising from Minutes:
a. Town Plan 2014-2024
5. New Business:
a. Fire Department Rescue Unit – Motion to accept lowest tender $214,191.97 (Metalfab Firetrucks)
b. Municipal & Intergovernmental Affairs – Review of Protected Road Zoning Regulations (for information only)
c. CWTA – Recycle My Cell Project (for information only)
d. Tourism, Culture & Recreation – Community Recreation Development Grant (for information only)
6. Committees:
a. Income Statement (for information only)
b. Quote for 2014 Audit
c. Southern Shore Arena – Request for annual financial support
d. Knights of Columbus – Request for annual financial support for Christmas Hampers
e. Snow clearing invoices/logs
f. Clarke’s Trucking invoice – Septic Disposal installation on Recreation Grounds
g. Budget 2015
Community Enhancement Committee
a. Tidy Towns 2015
b. Tourism Plan
Public Works & Compliance
a. Residential single family dwelling – Gallows Cove Road
b. Residential single family dwelling – Lot 17 Tamarack Drive
c. Residential single family dwelling – Dunn’s Lane
d. Garage – Carey’s Road
e. Crown Land application – Gallows Cove Road
f. Request to have pole light relocated – Dunn’s Lane
7. Adjournment
• Posted November 2, 2014 •
Meeting scheduled for Thursday, November 13, 2014 (7:45 p.m.)
1. Call to order
2. Adoption of November 13, 2014 Agenda
3. Adoption of October 14, 2014 Minutes of Meeting
4. Presentations:
a. Ed Vickers
b. Gary Churchill
5. Business Arising from Minutes:
a. Town Plan – Final amendments before submission to MA
b. Fence – off Mullowney’s Lane
c. Crown Land applications – off Mullowney’s Lane
d. Fence – 27 Northside Track
e. Sub-grade road to access land for purpose of Groundwater Assessment Study
f. Small Crafts & Harbours
g. Upcoming By-election
6. Committees:
a. Income Statement
b. Funding request from Kinsmen Club of Witless Bay
c. Well cover
d. Drain cleaning cost
Community Enhance Committee:
a. Tourism Economic Development Plan
b. Vision Statement for the Town of Witless Bay
c. Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
Heritage Committee
Public Works:
a. Residential single family dwelling – New Line Road
b. Residential single family dwelling – 11-17 Dean’s Road
c. Residential double dwelling 11-17 Dean’s Road
d. Residential single family dwelling – 217-227 Dean’s Road
e. Extension to existing dwelling – 3 Gallows Cove road
f. Shed – 15 Green Hill Drive
g. Fence off Mullowney’s Lane
h. Fence – 301 Southern Shore Highway
7. Adjournment
• Posted November 2, 2014 •
The next Public Meeting of Council will take place on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13th at 7:45pm. (The meeting was moved by two days because of Remembrance Day)
• Posted November 2, 2014 •
We’re holding a special meeting of the Community Enhancement Committee on Tuesday, November 4th, starting at 7:30PM. Pat Curran will be helping us create a vision for the Town! Once approved & ratified by Council, this short statement will guide the Town in each of its undertakings. The purpose of this vision is to drive the town, its residents, businesses, industry, and, most especially, its Council, towards achieving a common goal, and to serve as a constant reminder of what we are trying to achieve together.
Draft agenda for the meeting:
7:30pm – Presentation: “The Mandate of Municipal Councils”
7:45pm – Drafting Witless Bay’s Vision (with Pat Curran)
8:45pm – Our Town’s recreation infrastructure (3-yr plan)
9:00pm – Tidy Towns 2014/2015
9:15pm – Christmas events
9:30pm – Meeting ends
We hope to see you on Tuesday evening!
• Posted October 24, 2014 •
Witless Bay: Tidy Towns 2014 Winner!
Congratulations to the hundreds of people who helped make this possible!!!
Thanks goes out to our residents and volunteers, the members of the Community Enhancement Committee, the Heritage Committee and Council, our Town staff, as well as the many groups and associations who pitched in and donated their time and energy to this effort (the Kinsmen, The O’Connor 50+, the Girl Guides, the Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish, the BBBAA, the Puffin Patrol, St. Bernard’s Elementary School, Mobile High School, the Witless Bay Volunteer Fire Department, and all the others!).
Thanks also goes out to the many local businesses who helped us in our Tidy Towns bid, including the Witless Bay Home Hardware, Witless Bay Ecotours, Needs Convenience, Independent Consultants Group, and Felix’s. Thanks also to our Town Planner (Plan-Tech Environment), Eastern Waste Management, the fantastic staff at the Department of Municipal and Intergovernmental Affairs, and the great team at Municipalities NL!
• Posted October 13, 2014 •
7:30pm, October 14, 2014, at the Witless Bay Town Hall
1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of October 14, 2014 Agenda
3. Adoption of September 9, 2014 Minutes of Meeting
4. Adoption of September 16, 2014 Minutes of Meeting
5. Business Arising from Minutes:
a. Strategic Vision for Witless Bay 2030: Initiating our Integrated Community Sustainability Plan
b. Development/Control Officer update
c. Ratifying Policy on Submissions to Council
d. Ratifying Policy on Public Meetings
e. Ratifying Policy on Plan Amendments Requests
f. Ratifying Policy on Permits
g. Fence – Mullowney’s Lane
6. New Business:
a. Ratification of Group
b. Resignation of two Councillors (and related correspondence from resident)
c. Request to meet with Council to discuss private land
d. Bristol Landing, Phase III
e. Correspondence relating to ATV & dirt bike users
f. Canadian Union of Postal Workers
g. BAE Newplan Group Ltd.
h. Meeting with Small Craft Harbours – October 16 @ 3:00 p.m.
i. BBBAA – Regional Recreation Director’s Report
j. Fire & Emergency Services – Approval of Fire Protection Vehicle
k. Deadlines for Municipal Capital Works 90/10 projects & New Building Capital Funds (BCF) projects
7. Committee Reports:
Finance –
a. Income Statement & Payables
b. Lawlor’s Excavating
c. 50+ – Additional furniture for the Community Centre
Community Enhancement Committee
a. Report on current projects
b. Folklorists in Witless Bay
c. Tidy Towns results
Heritage Committee
Regional Emergency Management Plan
Public Works & Compliance:
a. Seeding where ditching has been done
b. Pothole Tender Results
c. Tender results for Salt & Sand
d. Request for upgrades to entrance of Gull Pond Road
e. Request for Council to address entrance of Harrigan’s Lane
f. Request to develop sub-grade road on Dean’s Road
g. Request to erect sign
h. Crown Land Application – 106 Southside Track
i. Crown Land Application – off Mullowney’s Lane
j. Crown Land Application – off Mullowney’s Lane
k. Residential Dwelling – Gallows Cove Road
l. Shed – 26 Tuff’s Road
m. Garage 1-5 Northside Track
n. Garage – 9 Green Hill Drive
o. Garage – 7 Green Hill Drive
p. Garage 112 Gallows Cove Road
q. Install culvert – 5 Diamond Place
r. Garage – 5 Diamond Place
s. Shed – 10 Green Hill Drive
t. Garage 126 Bear’s Cove Road
u. Shed – 126 Bear’s Cove Road
v. Gazebo – 126 Bear’s Cove Road
w. Fence & Landscaping – 27 Northside Track
x. Operate a Business – 211 Southern Shore Highway
y. Request for Council to reconsider subdivision proposal on Gull Pond Road
8. Adjournment
• Posted September 24, 2014 •
The bulk collection that was scheduled for last week has been rescheduled for Friday, September 26, 2014. Bulk items must be placed at the roadside by 7:00am on September 19th. It may take a number of days for bulk items to be collected from all residents. A limit of 500 lbs or one pick up load (whichever is less) will be collected from each household. The last bulk garbage pickup of the year will be on November 28th.
SCHEDULE: http://tinyurl.com/EasternWasteSchedule
• Posted September 25, 2014 •
September 2014 Newsletter
Available in PDF format here: September 2014 Newsletter
Council held a contest where we invited the students at St. Bernard Elementary and Mobile High School to name our new recreation centre. Almost 200 students participated in the contest, and over 50 suggested that it be named after our Town’s main emblem, the North Atlantic Puffin. After a series of consultations, it was decided that the new building would be called THE WITLESS BAY PUFFIN CENTRE! The building is now available for rental – Drop by the Town Office to pick up a rental agreement!
Witless Bay Council is spearheading the preparation of a regional Emergency Management Plan for the Bay Bulls to Bauline area. Part of this exercise involves training the volunteers. Fire & Emergency Services will be coming to Witless Bay to offer the “Basic Emergency Management” course on three consecutive Wednesday evenings (6pm to 10pm): November 19th, November 26th, and December 3rd. Please contact the Town Office to sign up: 334-3407.
To protect residents & landowners from issues resulting from unregulated, unauthorized & unlawful development, the Town requires that a permit be obtained before the start of any construction project or project involving machinery which transforms the landscape or alters water flows. Carrying out work without a permit or with an expired permit carries a fine of up to $5,000 for a first offence, and if the work violates zoning regulations, laws or by-laws, an additional fine of up to $10,000 may apply. The owner may be held responsible for the cost of dismantling the construction and restoring the site, as well as the cost of rectifying any problems. The fine for disobeying a Stop Work Order is $500/day. If you’re considering a project, please visit the Town Office to obtain an application form & a copy of the applicable bylaws, policies & procedures. Council meets on the second Tuesday of every month, at 7:30pm. The deadline for your application to be considered at the next public meeting is at Noon on Thursday, October 9th.
The Town is holding a going-away party for the Folklore students who spent the month of September in the community. The party starts with a community potluck supper, followed by a presentation by the students. The students will tell us about their experience in our community, show us their work and describe what they’ve discovered. After the presentation, we’ll have a party with local entertainment! Remember to bring your instruments and your dancing shoes! Admission is FREE (just bring a dish to share!) and everyone is welcome!
Saturday, September 27th
Witless Bay Puffin Centre (the new rec centre on South Side Track)
• Posted September 24, 2014 •
Eastern Waste Management got in touch with us so that we can notify residents that the bulk collection that was scheduled for Friday, Sept. 19, 2014 has been rescheduled for Friday, September 26, 2014.
It may take a number of days for bulk items to be collected from all residents. A limit of 500 lbs or one pick up load (whichever is less) will be collected from each household.
The last bulk garbage pickup of the year will be on November 28th.
Click HERE for the Schedule
Click HERE for more info on Bulk Garbage & Other Services
• Posted September 15, 2014 •
Eastern Waste Management is doing a bulk garbage collection this Friday. Bulk items must be placed at the roadside by 7:00am on September 19th. It may take a number of days for bulk items to be collected from all residents. A limit of 500 lbs or one pick up load (whichever is less) will be collected from each household.
The last bulk garbage pickup of the year will be on November 28th.
Click HERE for the Schedule
Click HERE for more info on Bulk Garbage & Other Services
• Posted September 14, 2014 •
Draft Agenda: Special Public Meeting
September 16, 2014 at 8:30pm, Witless Bay’s Town Office
1. Call to order
2. Adoption of September 16, 2014 Agenda
3. Business Arising from Minutes:
a) Town Plan approval
b) Snow Clearing Contract
/ Tender
4. New Business:
a) Garbage collection tender for 2015-2018 (+ option to renew for 2019 & 2020)
5. Adjournment
• Posted September 6, 2014 •
Witless Bay’s Folklore Field School
Our Folklorists are hard at work: Documenting Joey & Jerry Yard’s fishing stores, photographing Mike & Sheila Ryan’s home, interviewing Sister Lois Greene, and doing kinds of other things! Read all about it on their blog, which they update every day!:
• Posted September 6, 2014 •
Draft Agenda: September 2014 Public Meeting
7:30pm on Tuesday, September 9, 2014, in Witless Bay’s Council Chambers
1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of September 9, 2014 Agenda
3. Adoption of July 8, 2014 Minutes of Meeting
4. Business Arising from Minutes:
a. Reconsider policies on the Use of Witless Bay’s Community Centre
b. Ratifying Regulations on Youth Representatives
c. Ratifying Regulations Remote Meeting Attendance
d. Ratifying Regulations on Snow Clearing
e. Ratifying Regulations on Fences
f. Ratifying Regulations on Culvert Extensions
g. Ratifying Regulations on Professional Development
h. Applications to Operate a Business (Ratify new form)
i. Applications to Develop Land (Ratify revised forms)
j. Town Plan
k. Development Control Officer – Progress Report
l. Application to extend culvert on 37 Country Path Drive
m. Application to develop residential dwelling on 155 North Side Track/Jockey’s Lane
n. Application for Smoke House on North Side Track
o. Paving tender
p. Basic Emergency Management Training Sessions
5. New Business:
a. Notice of Motion: Revising the following regulations and policies (distributed to Council):
‣ Policy on submissions to Council
‣ Policies on Public meetings
‣ Policy on Plan Amendment Requests
‣ Policies on Permits
b. Motion to Evaluate the Feasibility of Extending Town Boundaries
c. Gas Tax Agreement – Motion to approve agreement
d. Gas Tax Audit – Motion to adopt Annual Expenditure Report
e. 2015-2016 Capital Works Applications
f. Tendering for snow clearing 2015-2016
g. MNL 2014 Convention
h. Ratification of Group
i. Request for weekly use of Witless Bay Community Centre for item 5 i.
j. Request to use Witless Bay Community Centre Monday to Friday for Educational after school program
k. Installing ladder in swimming pool
l. Installing storage space in recreation building
m. Weather station for Witless Bay
6. Committee Reports
a. Income Statement/Monthly Payables
Community Enhancement Committee:
a. Report on Tourism Development Workshops
b. Painting the Tourism Chalet & Change Rooms
c. Tidy Towns Results
d. Meet & Greet Supper (took place September 7th)
e. A Scuff & a Scoff scheduled for September 27th
f. Name of the Recreation Centre
Emergency Planning Committee
Public Works:
a. Flooding on Andrew’s Lane
b. Flooding on Dean’s Road
c. Request to re-zone land Southern Shore Highway
d. Request to re-zone land on Cemetery Road
e. Request for Town to take over section of road (Phase 2) on Emerald Estates
f. Standing ditch water – 106 Southside Track
g. Application for gazebo – 11 Evergreen Road
h. Application for fence on Mullowney’s Lane extension
i. Application for shed on 12 Ocean View Drive
j. Application for residential dwelling on Carey’s Road/Andrew’s Lane
k. Application for residential dwelling on 241A Gallows Cove Road
l. Application for residential dwelling on 101-109 Gallows Cove Road
7. Adjournment
• Posted September 5, 2014 •
Community Supper at our NEW rec building!
On Sunday, September 7th, Council is holding a community potluck supper at the new recreation building! We will be welcoming the graduate students who will be spending three weeks in Witless Bay this month, working to record our town’s traditions and customs. Join us at 6:00pm for supper and a time, and don’t forget your instruments! Mummers allowed in!
• Posted August 31, 2014 •
Business & Tourism Strategic Planning PART 2!
We are holding a 2-hour follow-up session so that as many community members can offer their ideas in terms of strategic planning on Tuesday, September 2nd at 7:30pm at the Town Office. All are welcome! I’m really looking forward to hearing even more fantastic ideas about how Council can help facilitate business development and beautify the Town!
• Posted August 28, 2014 •
CBC Radio: Deputy-Mayor Dena Wiseman on The Puffin Patrol
• Posted August 25, 2014 •
Huffin and Puffin: The Puffin Patrol on NTV
• Posted August 23, 2014 •
Business & Tourism Strategic Planning Retreat
The first part of the town-organized strategic planning retreat for business & tourism development went superbly. We got great community input: Twenty-seven residents and stakeholders participated in the eight-hour session that was held on August 23rd! A big THANK YOU to all participants!
• Posted August 21, 2014 •
Late Summer Newsletter
To download in PDF, click here: Newsletter 2014-08 PART 2
A great big THANK YOU to everyone who helped out with Witless Bay’s bid for the Tidy Towns competition this year! Going around the town with the judges, it was easy to be proud of what our many volunteers, service groups & committee members had done to shine up the town! Thank you to everyone who pitched in today, yesterday, last week, and over the past months – it was a fantastic community-wide effort! Nothing left to do now but cross our fingers, since the results will be announced next month!
The Heritage Committee’s “Name this Thing” contest was a great success at the PuffinFest. The antiques sure kept a lot of people guessing! Congratulations to the two contest winners: Colleen Dalton and Alexa Pynn!
A group of Masters and Ph.D. students will be spending three weeks in Witless Bay this September, working to record our town’s traditions and customs. They get here on Sunday, September 7th, so we’re organizing a meet-and-greet at the new rec centre! Come join us for supper and a time, and don’t forget your instruments! Mummers allowed in!
During the Fall and Winter, the Community Enhancement Committee will be switching to monthly meetings. Meetings will take place on the first Tuesday of each month, at 7:30pm.
New members of all ages are always welcome!
The Witless Bay Puffin Patrol is having its busiest year ever: the patrol has
rescued a whopping 468 baby birds so far, only one week after the first
pufflings fledged from the reserve. Once on shore, a puffling’s chance
of survival is very slim, and the great majority fall prey to cars, domestic
animals, and hunger. During the next few weeks (called “Puffin Savings Time”), please dim or turn off unnecessary lights. Puffins are easily trapped in window wells, so if you have them on your house, please check them each morning.
Please drive carefully at nights, and watch out for patrollers. If you spot a lost puffin, please call Leah Mahoney at 743-4019 so that the Puffin Patrol can come capture it. If you are interested in helping rescue and release these birds or learn more about the mitigation measures recommended, please visit the C-PAWS Website (www.cpaws.org) or the Patrol’s Facebook page (“Witless Bay Puffin Patrol”). If you want to install more puffin-friendly lights, C-PAWS-NL will distribute these bulbs for FREE – contact them at nlpuffinpatrol@cpaws.org
Witless Bay’s Town Council is interested in what YOU have to say about the town’s future in terms of business & tourism development! Join us for this strategic planning retreat, where we’ll imagine all the incredible things that Witless Bay could become if we set our minds to it! There IS such a thing as a free lunch! The retreat takes place on Saturday, August 23rd, from 8:45am to 4:15pm (New time!) at the Town Office. Please register – space is limited! 334-3407
• Posted August 9, 2014 •
Draft Agenda – August 12th Public Meeting
Meeting takes place at the Town Office, starting at 7:30pm
1. Call to order
2. Adoption of August 12, 2014 Agenda
3. Adoption of July 8, 2014 Minutes of Meeting
4. Business arising from minutes:
a. Ratifying Code of Ethics: Code of Ethics Guiding Witless Bay’s Council and Staff
b. Structure removal – 432 Southern Shore Highway
c. Election results
d. Public Hearing for Town Plan
e. Motion: Development Control Officer
f. Motion: Begin process of moving fire department to municipal garage
g. Application to extend culvert on 37 Country Path Drive
h. Discretionary Use Notice for Smoke House on Northside Track
i. Ditching and Paving tender results
j. Tender for pothole repairs
k. Tourism Development Workshop scheduled for August 23
5. New Business:
a. Notice of Motion: To review the town’s fence regulations
b. Fence around the swimming pool – completed (motion made at July meeting to accept lowest bid)
c. Remote meeting attendance & youth representatives
d. 2015-2016 Capital Works Applications
e. MNL Memo & 2014 Convention Newsletter
f. Setting fee structure for Witless Bay Community Centre
g. Request for weekly use of Witless Bay Community Centre
h. Ratification of Group
i. St. John’s Regional Fire Department’s Schedule of Fees (info purpose)
6. Committee Reports
(i) Finance:
a. Income Statement / Monthly payables
b. Invoice: Kendall Engineering – Progress billing 17, Community Centre
c. Invoice: Kendall Engineering – Progress billing 1, Parking Lot
(ii) NEAR Plan
a. NEAR Plan consultation session
(iii) Community Enhancement Committee
a. Update
b. Painting the Tourism Chalet
c. Painting the change rooms by swimming pool
d. Tidy Towns judging: August 18th (itinerary, action plan, potluck lunch
e. Tidy Towns Community Profile
f. Tidy Towns: Town Maintenance Person & Summer Students
(iv) Emergency Planning Committee
(v) Public Works:
a. Residential dwelling – 153 Harbour Road (deferred at previous meeting for review)
b. Residential dwelling – Lot 58 Country Path Drive
c. House to use for cabin – 73 Gallows Cove Road
d. Garage & culvert for driveway into garage from new road – 33 Country Path Drive
e. Garage – 40 Southside Track
f. Extension to residence – 229 Dean’s Road
g. Fence – 4 Island View Place
h. Light distribution approval – Emerald Estates
i. Home-based business – Youth Ventures
j. Home-based business – 94 Gull Pond Road
7. Adjournment
• Posted August 6, 2014 •
August Newsletter
(Available in PDF here: Newsletter 2014-08)
The Tidy Towns Judges will be coming to Witless Bay on August 18th. This means that we have two weeks left to shine up the town! We will be having a COMMUNITY POTLUCK LUNCH with the judges at the new Rec Centre starting at 1:00pm – please bring a dish you feel represents Witless Bay’s culture and traditions, or something delicious you love making! All are welcome!
The Town of Witless Bay’s application for a Community Capacity Building project was successful! The Province is financing a one-day Economic / Tourism Development Strategic Planning Retreat, which will be held on Saturday, August 23rd. All residents are invited to participate – please register by contacting the Town Office: 334-3407.
Congratulations to AnnMarie Hann and Jacqueline Mair, the newest members of the Witless Bay Town Council. We look forward to working together to make our Town an even better place to live and do business!
Ten graduate students in Folklore will be spending three weeks in Witless Bay this September, and we need five more beds (two need to be twin), two more dressers, and a refrigerator in order to accommodate them. If you have pieces that you’re willing to lend for the month, please call the Town Office and we will arrange for it to be picked up: 334-3407. Thank you!
In response to concerns about the playground’s proximity to the pool, a fence was erected to make the area safer for the little ones. Please note also that no dogs are
permitted in the community swimming pool at any time, and
that the recreation area is a smoke-free zone.
During the month of August, there will be roadwork throughout the community, with extensive ditching, road repairs, shouldering, and swales to better manage storm water. We apologize for any inconvenience or delays this may cause.
The Municipal Plan is the document that will guide Council’s decision-making in terms of land use and zoning over the next years. Witless Bay’s residents, landowners, business owners & other stakeholders are all invited to attend the public hearing that’s being held before it officially comes into force: Thursday, August 7th, at 7:30pm at the Town Office
Town Council and staff wish everyone a fantastic month!
Mayor Sébastien Després, Deputy-Mayor Dena Wiseman
Councillors Ralph Carey, René Estrada, AnnMarie Hann, Jacqueline Mair & Kevin Smart
Town Clerk-Manager Geraldine Caul, Assistant Clerk Barb Harrigan, Grounds/Maintenance Aiden Carey.
• Posted August 6, 2014 •
Council’s Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics that was introduced at the last public meeting of Council will be presented for ratification at the August 12th meeting of Council. Click here to see it: Code of Ethics Guiding Witless Bay’s Council and Staff
• Posted August 2, 2014 •
Public Hearing about the Municipal Plan!
The Municipal Plan is the document that will guide Council’s decision-making in terms of land use and zoning over the next years. Witless Bay’s residents, landowners, business owners & other stakeholders are all invited to attend the public hearing that’s being held before it officially comes into force:
Thursday, August 7th, at 7:30pm at the Town Office
• Posted July 22, 2014 •
Island-wide Fire Ban!
The Department of Natural Resources has issued a complete fire ban because of “extreme levels” in the Forest Fire Index. There are to be NO OPEN FIRES WHATSOEVER until the ban is lifted. Please direct questions or concerns to the Forestry Services branch: 729-4180. To read the story in the Telegram, click here: http://bit.ly/1r2pmcu
• Posted July 16, 2014 •
By-Election Results
The results of the July 16th election have been tabulated:
AnnMarie Hann: 154 (elected)
Jacqueline Mair: 125 (elected)
Joan Tobin: 91
This was a great turnout for a by-election (227 in total) – congratulations to all candidates! The swearing-in of our TWO new members of Council will be in the coming weeks. We will keep everyone posted!
• Posted July 12, 2014 •
A Crown Land Reserve in Witless Bay?
At the July 2014 public meeting of Council, it was decided that the Town would invite the Province to initiate the process of establishing a Crown Land Reserve along the town’s southern coastline.
This prospective reserve, measuring 99 hectares in total and 450 meters in width, is proposed to begin at the first parcel of crown land at the end of Mullowney’s Lane, and to end at the town’s southern boundary. This reserve would set apart the crown land along this coastline as a protected area in order to provide open and unrestricted enjoyment of this easily accessed pristine ocean shoreline & wilderness environment for generations to come.
This is just the start of what we believe will be a long and comprehensive process – the establishment of a Crown Land Reserve is ultimately a decision of the Provincial Government. If the Province is receptive to Council’s proposal, we will be holding a public meeting to outline in more detail what is being proposed, why it is being proposed, and to discuss the project with all stakeholders before any decision is finalized.
• Posted July 4, 2014 •
Draft Agenda for the July 8, 2014 Public Meeting of Council
1. Call to order
2. Adoption of July 8th 2014 Agenda
3. Adoption of June 10th 2014 Minutes of Meeting
4. Business Arising from Minutes
a. Revised Road Standards
b. Proposed Code of Ethics
c. Structure removal on 432 Southern Shore Highway
d. Municipal By-Election: Wednesday, July 16th 2014
5. New Business
a. Town of Witless Bay Municipal Plan
b. NEAR Plan process update
c. Correspondence: Municipal Affairs – Capital Works Applications Submitted.
d. Notice: Development Control Officer.
e. Fire & Emergency Services – Preparing an
Emergency Management Plan.
f. Motion to construct road leading to Municipal Garage.
g. Notice of Motion to begin process of moving Fire Department to Municipal Garage.
h. Replacing the fire hydrant near the Fish Plant.
i. Enquiry RE: Filling the pumper truck at the river.
j. Recommendation to the Regional Fire Committee increase the honorarium awarded to active members of the Witless Bay Regional Fire Department.
k. Re-evaluation of staff wages
6. Committees Reports
a. Cash Flow Analysis Report
b. Income Statement/payables
c. Audited Financial Statements 2013
d. Quote for Class A (for Upper Pond Tourist stop). Awarded;
Motion only
e. Contract Payment: Eastern Contracting – Witless Bay Recreation Centre
f. Contract Payment: Modern Paving – Track Road (Gas Tax Funding
portion) – Gas tax funding received to cover this cost
g. Contract Payment: Modern Paving – Track Road (90/10 portion:
Government $170,017.84 and Town’s portion 18,890.87) – Request made to MA
for release of their portion, Gas tax funding received to cover Town’s cost
a. PuffinFest preparations
b. New Date for Economic/Tourism Development Workshop
c. Roofing on change rooms by the pool
d. Painting the tourism chalet & change rooms by the pool
e. Tidy Town Hour – Wednesdays 6:00pm to 7:00pm
f. Tidy Towns Judging date: August 18th 2014
g. The Mayor’s Walk for Heart & Stroke
h. Canada Day Celebrations
i. Fence alongside the pool – quotes received
a. Motion for a municipal ban on the use of herbicide Tordon 101
b. Request for a provincial ban on the use of herbicide Tordon 101
c. Motion to request the reinstatement of the Witless Bay Ecological Reserve Manager position
(to Park & Natural Areas)
d. Request to Department of Environment & Conservation for the establishment of a Crown Land Reserve (under Section 8 of the Lands Act) for 99 hectares of crown land on the Town’s southern coastline.
e. MMSB Compost Bin Program results.
f. NAACAP Coastal Erosion Study planned for Witless Bay
a. Residential single family dwelling – 12 Country Path Drive
b. Residential single family dwelling – 28 Country Path Drive
c. Residential single family dwelling – 1 Green Hill Drive
d. Residential single family dwelling – 3 Green Hill Drive
e. Residential single family dwelling – 1-3 Carey’s Road
f. Residential single family dwelling – 90 Gallows Cove Road
g. Storage garage – 18 Green Hill Drive
h. Garage – 142-144 Gull Pond Road
i. Garage – 161 Gull Pond Road
j. Baby Barn – 14 Lower Loop Road
k. Extend culvert – 37 Country Path Drive
l. Extend driveway – 227 Gallows Cove Road
m. Fence – 17-19 Hillsway Drive
n. Above-ground swimming pool – 39 Butler’s Road
o. Crown Land – Witless Bay Line
p. Crown Land – Gull Pond Road
q. Quotes received for grading roads in the community
7. Adjournment
• Posted June 28, 2014 •
Canada Day Celebrations!
Events include a hike, a healthy heart picnic, community olympics, a cake cutting, refreshments, a community BBQ, face painting, Sky High Amusements, local entertainment, and FIREWORKS! The Mayor’s Hike for Heart & Stroke starts at 6:00PM at St. Bernard’s Elementary, from where we’ll walk to the recreation grounds. Wear a backpack & bring a blanket & a healthy picnic! The celebrations will start at the Recreation Grounds at 6:45pm.
A big THANK YOU to all of the volunteers and community groups who pitched in to make this event possible: The O’Connor 50+ Club, the Witless Bay Heritage Committee, the Witless Bay Regional Fire Department, the Witless Bay Kinsmen Club, our local RCMP detachment, Our MHA (Minister Keith Hutchings), Town Council, Town Staff, and the members of our Community Enhancement Committee. Most especially, THANK YOU to the BBBAA’s leadership & its fantastic team of dedicated workers & volunteers for organizing this great event!
• Posted May 30, 2014 •
Information Flyer
Planning on building a house or an extension?
Hoping to put up a deck, a fence, or a shed?
Thinking about subdividing your land?
Planning to excavate a piece of land?
Thinking of putting in a pool?
You need a permit.
No development, construction, extension, demolition, excavation, grading, clearing or grubbing is to take place within Town boundaries without a permit from the Town.
To protect residents & landowners from issues resulting from unregulated, unauthorized & unlawful development, the Town of Witless Bay requires that a permit be obtained prior to the start of any construction project or project which involves machinery and transforms the landscape. Building on, redirecting or altering a watercourse or ditch without approval is an offense.
It makes sense to ensure that what you’re planning to do is allowed before you start building, since no one benefits from having to dismantle what wasn’t done according to the regulations. Developers, builders, & property owners are responsible for constructing according to the plans submitted and for meeting all municipal, provincial & national standards.
A permit must be obtained for the construction of any driveway. Driveways must be properly ditched and a culvert meeting Town standards must be installed & inspected before a permit can be granted to develop a new lot or build a new home. Building on, redirecting, or altering a watercourse without approval is an offense.
Developing, building, constructing, excavating, grading, clearing or grubbing without a permit or with an expired permit carries a fine of up to $5,000 for a first offence. If construction contravenes zoning regulations, laws or by-laws, an additional fine of up to $10,000 may apply. The owner is responsible for the cost of dismantling the construction and restoring the site if so ruled, as well as the cost of rectifying any problems. The daily fine for disobeying a Stop Work Order is $500.
If you’re considering a project, please visit the Town Office to obtain an application form & a copy of the applicable bylaws, policies & procedures.
Council meets on the second Tuesday of every month, at 7:30pm.
For your application to be considered at the next public meeting of the Town Council, the deadline for submission is Thursday, June 5th at Noon.
This is simply an informational pamphlet – not a complete list of the Town’s development regulations. In case of discrepancy between the official text and the text on this page, the official text shall prevail.
Witless Bay’s New Official Flower: The Orange Day Lily
Flowers are an important addition to any exterior beautification project. They symbolize life, and make an enormous difference in terms of aesthetics, adding interesting splashes of colour. The orange day lily has long been growing in gardens and planters in our community. Known as “the perfect perennial” because of its hardiness & low-maintenance, the variety that grows in Witless Bay is a brilliant orange with some yellow, which makes it a perfect complement to our Town’s colour palette (from the puffin). A generous resident has stepped up and offered to supply residents with the first 400 cuttings! Please contact the Town Office to reserve cuttings for your garden: 334-3407
“Learning to Compost” Workshop
TUESDAY, JUNE 3rd at 7:30pm, Town Office
The Town Council of Witless Bay is hosting a short “Learn to Compost Workshop” to help residents learn how to use composters to their full capacity!
Mayor’s Hike for Heart & Stroke
Starting at 10:30am at the school, we will make our way along the river trail leading to our recreation grounds, where we’ll share a healthy picnic & celebrate the Grand Opening of the new Community Recreation Building. After this, we’ll have Community Olympics, where both kids & adults will compete in potato sack races, tug-of-war, egg & spoon races, 3-legged races, and other sporting events! A good number of community groups and sponsors will be helping out at the event; we’ll keep you posted on this as details are set. Remember to wear a backpack (with a picnic to share inside!) so that pictures of the event look great!
Strategic Planning Session
The Town of Witless Bay is currently in the first stages of developing an economic and tourism development strategy. On August 23rd, Council will be holding a strategic planning session to help establish a strategic vision and determine priority areas for action planning. Join us to help give direction to our Town! Please contact the Town Office to register.
Composters for Sale
Through an MMSB-funded program, the Town of Witless Bay has purchased 50 composters, which are now available at cost ($25 instead of $80+). Sold on a first-come, first serve basis, they’re going fast – stop by the Town Office and pick one up!
• Posted May 15, 2014 •
Policies and Procedures of the Town of Witless Bay
At the May 2014 meeting of the Witless Bay Town Council, we officially ratified the Town’s Regulations on Permits. The great majority of these were not new regulations – they were adaptations of the existing regulations. The intent of many of the changes made was to soften the current regulations for residents, making the regulations less onerous for small-scale projects. The intent of other changes proposed is to protect residents and landowners from potential issues resulting from unregulated, unauthorized, and illegal development.
Click here for the updated regulations:OFFICIAL Policies & Procedures Manual 2014-05
For most residents, low taxes are an important consideration. Recognizing this, Council has reduced the mil rate by 11% in 2014, from 5.5 to 5.0.
The Town Council of Witless Bay believes in open, accessible, and accountable government. For this reason, we’ve done a number of things to connect with residents:
• Input from residents is now an important part of Council’s decision-making:
o Residents may now speak before a vote is made on an issue.
o A discussion session follows each public meeting.
o Individuals and groups can make presentations during public meetings.
• The Agenda for public meetings is now posted online prior to meetings.
• Minutes of public meetings are posted online.
• There are now two residents’ advisory committees who help provide advice to Council: The Heritage Committee and the Community Enhancement Committee.
• In order to keep everyone informed, the Mayor informally hosts a Facebook page (www.facebook.com/sebastiendespres.page) and a Website (www.SebastienDespres.ca)
Healthy development benefits everyone in the community. Council has worked to ensure that long-term growth is sustainable and beneficial to everyone.
• We have been working with developers to ensure that new developments benefit all residents and avoid future financial & legal liabilities for the Town.
• We have started preparing a Tourism & Economic Development plan for the town.
• We are proceeding with a feasibility study for hiring a Compliance Officer.
• Evaluated development applications for 14 new homes & 20 secondary structures.
• We have issued permits for FIVE NEW BUSINESSES in the town!
• Evaluated and made decisions on five subdivision development proposals at various stages.
Safety is an important priority for our Town Council.
• This Spring, Council will be installing a number of road signs throughout the community to control traffic, including speed limits & clearer indications for dangerous features.
• A complete assessment of the Town’s street lighting needs
was undertaken by our Public Works Committee, and issues were addressed.
We have been revamping the town’s policies and procedures to better serve residents and help ensure that their interests are protected.
• We have redrafted the Regulations on Permits.
• The building application form is now more user-friendly and less confusing.
• There is now an official ratification process for community groups & associations.
• Council has adopted the iCloud system for safe storage of town records.
• Public Council meetings now run according to
Robert’s Rules of Order.
Members of Council have been active in representing the Town and the interests of residents on a long list of committees, including:
• The NEAR Plan Oversight Committee and Working Group.
• The North East Avalon Joint Councils Committee.
• The Southern Shore Joint Councils Committee.
• The Bay Bulls to Bauline Athletic Association
Municipal taxes only account for a small portion of our town’s annual budget. To help maintain the town’s infrastructure, plan for and build new infrastructure, and offer quality programming for residents, Council has applied for a number of grants, subsidies, and awards from external funding sources. We have:
• Applied for funds to develop a Tourism and Economic Development Plan.
• Applied for funding for Phase II of the Southside Track.
• Nominated the Heritage Committee for the NL Environmental Awards.
• Assisted our Regional Fire Department with an application for a new rescue vehicle.
• Applied for funds to install doors to the front of the municipal garage.
• Council is funding 50% of the Regional Recreation Director’s position, with assurances in place for accountability and transparency. Monthly reports are submitted to Council.
• The Community Enhancement Committee is working on the town’s new “look,” including the selection of an official town flower, planning for new “Welcome to Witless Bay” signs, a community mapping initiative, and a long list of other exciting projects. We will have details about this work in the next newsletter!
• Posted May 8, 2014 •
DRAFT AGENDA: May Public Meeting of Council
1. Call to order
2. Adoption of May 13, 2014 Draft Agenda
3. Adoption of April 8, 2014 Minutes of Meeting
4. Business Arising from Minutes:
a) Update on Council’s work to bring substandard roads up to town standards
b) Motion to ratify proposed Regulations on Permits
c) Town Plan Amendments/Revisions:
(I) Council’s revisions
(II) Request to rezone for rectory from “public use” to “residential”
5. Other Business:
a) Correspondence – Damaged catch basin on The Avenue causing flooding to church parking lot
b) Correspondence – Request for Town to acknowledge Right of Way on private property
c) Quote for website re-design
d) Mayor’s March – Heart & Stroke Foundation
e) North-East Avalon Regional Plan process
f) 20-year plan for the Town Hall and the Municipal Garage
g) Concordia University student working with Council
h) Nomination of the Heritage Committee for the NL Environmental Awards
6. Finance:
a) Cash Flow Analysis Report/Payables
b) Snow clearing logs and approval for payment
7. Community Enhancement Committee
a. Kinsmen Clean-up
b. Official flower for Witless Bay – the orange daylily
c. Signage
d. Community Mapping initiative – Call for stories
e. Community Capacity Building (CCB) fund application
8. Public Works & Compliance:
a) Correspondence- Right of way and flooding – 36A Gallows Cove Road
b) Application for residential dwelling – 155 Harbour Road
c) Application for residential dwelling – 17-19 Andrews Lane
d) Excavation of property – 1-3 Carey’s Road
• Posted April 30, 2014 •
PRESS RELEASE: Kinsmen Community Cleanup
Town of Witless Bay gears up to establish Guinness World Record for biggest puffin ever made out of garbage
WITLESS BAY, NL – The Town of Witless Bay is home to the Witless Bay Ecological Reserve, which contains North America’s largest colony of Atlantic Puffins (with over 260,000 mating pairs) and the second largest colony of Leach’s Storm Petrels in the world (with over 620,000 pairs). Witless Bay also has a Puffin and Petrel Patrol, which works to rescue stranded chicks and return them safely to the ocean (see the mini-documentary on this here: http://youtu.be/mtSHVHE4fj0).
As such, the Town of Witless Bay has a special duty to protect the environment. In order to raise awareness about this important responsibility, the Town is teaming up with the area’s Kinsmen Club and the Witless Bay Community Enhancement Committee to make the 2014 Kinsmen Community Cleanup a record-breaking event.
The Witless Bay Kinsmen launched the annual Community Cleanup six years ago as a way of getting the community to band together and work towards a common goal.
On SATURDAY, MAY 10th (weather permitting), residents will scour the ditches and the beaches, collecting garbage and debris. In order to demonstrate the impact of pollution on the nearby bird sanctuary, volunteers will then attempt to establish a Guinness World Record by constructing the biggest puffin ever made out of garbage!
The event starts at 8:00am at St. Bernard Elementary School, and is sponsored by the Town of Witless Bay, St. Bernard Elementary School, Witless Bay Home Hardware (who is generously providing gloves and safety equipment), and Tim Hortons (who will be providing prizes, refreshments and snacks).
The Town of Witless Bay is a traditional Newfoundland outport community located thirty kilometres from St. John’s on the popular Irish Loop. Home to the Witless Bay Ecological Reserve, the town is the setting for Howard Norman’s novel, The Bird Artist.
Sébastien Després
Mayor, Town of Witless Bay
Chair, Witless Bay Community Enhancement Committee
(709) 334-1166; sebastiend@mun.ca; http://sebastiendespres.ca
• Posted April 17, 2014 •
Guinness World Record Attempt by the Town of Witless Bay
During our annual Spring Cleanup (organized by the Kinsmen, in conjunction with Council and the Community Enhancement Committee), we will be attempting to break a world record for the BIGGEST PUFFIN EVER MADE OUT OF GARBAGE! Join us on May 10th to help make it happen! Below is a screenshot of our application to Guinness World Records, along with the poster for the event. Click HERE for a printer-friendly version of the poster – please help by printing & distributing it!

The Town of Witless Bay will be attempting to break a world record for the largest puffin ever made out of garbage!
• Posted April 21, 2014 •
The South Side Track road will be closed from 7:00am to 5:30pm as of Thursday, April 24th to allow for a major Government-approved road reconstruction project. Signage will be installed directing traffic to Dunn’s Lane, which will be used as the detour route while the work is ongoing.
The Town apologizes for the inconvenience.
• Posted April 4, 2014 •
DRAFT AGENDA – April 8th, 2014 Public Meeting of Council
Witless Bay Town Hall – 7:30 p.m.
1. Call to order
2. Adoption of the April 8, 2014 Agenda
3. Adoption of the Minutes of the March 11, 2014 public meeting
4. Business Arising from Minutes:
a) Compilation of a list of all roads that are currently substandard, and a quote from the Town’s Engineer to bring these up to standard.
b) Standing offers from local contractors for all equipment they possess.
5.General Business:
a) Notice of Motion – Ratification of the proposed regulations on permits
b) Notice of Motion – Final amendments to Town Plan
c) Notice of Motion – To temporarily suspend (during May 13 public
meeting only), Motion #2011-113 that states, “Be it resolved as of October 11,
2011, Council will not be accepting any future amendments for any
development in the Town until the Town Plan Review is completed and
d) Motion to ratify the Public Works Commiittee’s recommendations relating to road signs, as mapped by Council
e) Correspondence – Minister Steve Kent, RE: Emergency Response Plan
f) Gas Tax Secretariat – Approval of Track Road Project and signage requirements
g) NL Environmental Awards
6.Presentations: Individuals / Delegations
a)Ed Vickers (FORB)
7.Committee Reports:
North-East Avalon Regional (NEAR) Plan –
a) Minutes of February 17, 2014 meeting
Recreation –
a) Meeting with the BBBAA (RE: Recreation infrastructure in Witless Bay)
b) Group Ratification request
Community Enhancement Committee
a) ACOA – Consultant Advisory Service for Tourism Plan
b) (i)Signage [Report on meeting with ACOA]
(ii) Crown Land application
c) Motion: Add a door to the front of the existing tourist chalet
d) Community mapping initiative
e) Kinsmen community clean-up [scheduled for May 10, weather permitting]
f) Car wrecks
Heritage Committee –
a) Cultural Economic Development Program Grant application
O’Connor 50+ Club –
a) Request to meet with Council
Finance –
a) Cash Flow Analysis Report and Payables
b) Snow Clearing Logs
c) Residential Tax Agreement (privileged session)
Public Works & Compliance –
a) Request to rezone Parish property – The Avenue
b) Request to rezone John Shea’s Grove Road (Alban Carey’s Road)
c) Correspondence regarding pavement cutting
d) Correspondence regarding flooding – Tamarack Drive
e) Department of Transportation & Works – Ice Control Materials for 2014-2015
f) Application to operate Hair Styling Business on 37-41A Gull Pond Road
g) Application to expand parking – 93-97 Harbour Road
h) Application to develop residential dwelling – Harbour Road
i) Application to develop residential dwellings on:
14 Ocean View Drive
16 Country Path Drive
14 Ocean View Drive
• Posted April 1, 2014 •
April 1st meeting of Community Enhancement Committee CANCELLED
Let’s not risk our lives traveling in this weather! Our next meeting will be on April 15th.
• Posted March 25, 2014 •
Extension to the Robert E Howlett Memorial Drive
On March 25th, Minister Nick McGrath announced that the Robert E Howlett Memorial Drive would be extended up to Bay Bulls. The planned route begins at the current end of Robert E. Howlett Memorial Drive (at the intersection of Route 10), and will continue south 9.5 kilometres, parallel to the current road towards Bay Bulls. Click HERE to read more about this fantastic news for residents of Witless Bay!!!
• Posted March 21, 2014 •
About Council’s decision to abandon the rezoning of Ragged Beach
CONTEXT: In 2010, a developer purchased a 1½-acre parcel of land and applied to purchase a larger parcel of neighbouring Crown Land in order to make the construction of a road leading to this parcel feasible through the selling of other lots. Access to the property was identified as a possible problem from the very first time the proposal was presented to Council, and it came up as an issue throughout the history of the file. A rezoning request was eventually submitted to Municipal Affairs, who agreed to the request based on two conditions, one of which being that Mullowney’s Lane was to be widened to allow for the increased traffic flow from the proposed development.
On Tuesday, March 11th, 2014, Witless Bay Town Council passed a motion to preclude the widening of the lane to accommodate the proposed development at Gallows Cove / Ragged Beach. This motion also terminated the rezoning process and closed the file on this development.
Council’s decision was not taken lightly, and was based on an assessment of the many interests and the many considerations at play.
Past members of Council had been very clear on the fact that Mullowney’s Lane would not be widened to allow for the proposed development. The former Mayor had even gone on public record guaranteeing that the lane would remain untouched. The ethical question of the seizure of land and property (whether through outright expropriation or through other means of seizure) that would have been necessary to make access to the proposed development possible was a major consideration for a number of councillors, both past and present.
Another consideration was the overwhelming opposition to the project. A very large proportion of the residents of Witless Bay actively petitioned Council and the Provincial Ministers in charge of various portfolios to help protect the only easily accessible beach with a “private” feel in the Town. One group even resorted to litigation in an attempt to stop the project (at great cost to both this group and the Town).
The Public Consultation process that was held to allow for various stakeholders’ opinions to be heard showed resistance to the project, and the report submitted by the Public Consultation Planning Committee was squarely opposed to it. The Planner responsible for drafting the Witless Bay Municipal Plan – an expert in Town planning – also advised against it.
Many stakeholders voiced concerns about the potential detriment that the proposed development could have on the integrity of the East Coast Trail, and a number of experts, specialists, researchers, associations, and citizens’ organizations voiced concerns about the environmental impact that the proposed development could have on the nearby Witless Bay Ecological Reserve, as had the Province’s Minister of Environment and Conservation.
For this project to see its way to fruition, Council would also have to allow the “bending” of a number of rules, including some of the Town’s own regulations. Council does have the power to do this, but allowing the rules to be bent sets dangerous precedents. Other developers then expect the same freedoms, which can put the Town in a questionable legal position.
The developer did offer shouldering some of the costs, but this project would nonetheless require a willingness on the part of Council to invest significant resources (including a possibly very substantial financial commitment). New developments should benefit residents; the costs associated with these should never exceed the tax revenues they’re hoped to generate. In contending with the various unforeseen costs, another question might have been: “Would Council have felt comfortable telling residents that another $10,000 of taxpayers’ money had been spent in order to enable this project? Would Council be comfortable announcing a $100,000 outlay? Or $500,000?” At which point does such a project cease being viable, given residents’ opposition to it and the other considerations at stake?
Since Council’s mandate is to help ensure a better quality of life for residents, projects adopted by Council must also consider the impact of these on the lives of residents. In which ways would the proposed project have elevated residents’ quality of life? In which ways would it have been detrimental? Lastly, should Council have chosen to ignore the issues listed above to allow the project to go ahead, what impacts could the proposed development have on the town in the future?
When Council looked at the “bigger picture” and gauged the compounded effect of all of the concessions that would have been necessary to allow for the project to go ahead, Council assessed that allowing the rezoning request to proceed would not be in the best interests of the Town.
We do empathize with the developer, but our responsibility as a Municipal Council is to weigh the benefits of a project against the costs associated with it, and to make decisions that are in the best interests of the Town in the long term. Now that the file is closed, Council will be working to mend bridges and striving to make Witless Bay the positive and uplifting community that it should be again.
• Posted March 13, 2014 •
“Lights from West Aquarius worry bird ‘keepers'”
Irish Loop Post, March 12, 2014 (Volume 7, #5; Cover & p.7)
Click HERE for media coverage of our work
• February 2, 2014 •
Council’s February Newsletter
IS WITLESS BAY THE NEXT TIDY TOWN? This year, Witless Bay will enter into the Province’s “Tidy Towns” contest! To help prepare the town for the competition, Council has created the Community Enhancement Committee. The main goal of this committee is to energize residents’ community spirit and make Witless Bay a better, even more beautiful place to live. Meetings will be informal, and will be held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. The first meeting will take place on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, at 7:30pm in Council Chambers. We hope to see you there!
THE REGIONAL WINTER CARNIVAL is soon here! It will take place from February 21st to March 2nd. The brochure with the full list of activities will be sent in February, but you can also check for updates on www.bbbaa.net. The lineup for this year includes Carnival Breakfasts, dances, seniors’ fitness events, skating, sliding, talent shows, the Seniors’ Outreach Dinner, card games, Bingo, the 50+ Potluck, Winter Frolics, a youth ping-pong tournament, a youth pool tournament, and more!
To volunteer, please contact Trudy: rrd@nf.aibn.com / 334-2300!
MUNICIPAL TAXES: As many have already noticed, Council has reduced residential property taxes to 5 mils this year, in keeping with the commitment made during last September’s election campaign. All other rates and fees remain the same as last year’s (PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS NOW A UNIVERSAL $25 APPLICATION FEE FOR ALL PERMITS. I APOLOGIZE FOR HAVING FORGOTTEN TO MENTION THIS IN THE NEWSLETTER, BUT THIS DETAIL WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE NOTICE IN THE IRISH LOOP POST). Tax invoices have been mailed, along with important information, including:
• Taxpayers are entitled to a 5% discount on residential taxes if paid by March 30th 2014.
• Seniors receive a total of 10% discount on residential taxes throughout the year.
• All taxes are due and payable by May 31st 2014. Any taxes not paid by May 31st 2014, or without arrangements being made, will be charged an interest rate of 18% per annum. Interest on overdue accounts is calculated automatically, but will not be posted on accounts until after the final deadline. If the account remains unpaid after the deadline, the amount shown on your invoice will be a calculation of interest from January to the end of May. The office cannot remove interest from outstanding accounts.
• The Town accepts Visa, MasterCard, Debit, and pre-authorized payments. If acceptable arrangements are made with the Town Office before May 31st 2014 to have your account paid in full by November 30th 2014, no interest will be charged to your account.
• Delinquent accounts unpaid by November 30th 2014 will receive a final notice that their account is being prepared for submission to Credit Recovery for collection.
THE ANNUAL BBBAA AUCTION DINNER & DANCE is on May 10th this year. For more info, please contact Trudy at rrd@nf.aibn.com or 334-2300!
WITLESS BAY HAS A NEW COUNCILLOR! Due to departure of Jeff Swain, who recently resigned from Council (Jeff is moving out of the community), there was a vacant seat on Council. On January 28th 2014, this seat was filled by Terry Dunne, who was acclaimed. Terry will be sworn in at the February 11th public meeting of Council.
The incoming class of Masters and Ph.D. students at MUN’s Department of Folklore will be taking part in a three-week field methods course in Witless Bay this coming September. From September 7th to 27th, these graduate students will learn how to document heritage buildings in the community, learn how to conduct interviews with residents, and learn about Witless Bay traditions, practices, local knowledge and skills. Students will be living in the Holy Trinity Convent during their stay in Witless Bay. Several guest lecturers and experts will help out in the teaching and documentation. At the commencement of the field school, a welcome gathering will be held. Throughout their stay, students hope to immerse themselves in the daily life of Witless Bay, learning about the landscape, built heritage and oral traditions—meeting, visiting and learning from local residents. Students will keep a blog and reflect on their daily activities. During the final day of the field school, a presentation will be made to the community of what students found and experienced. The documented traditions will be available online through Memorial University’s Digital Archive Initiative. A published booklet of Witless Bay buildings and landscapes documented in the field school is also planned.
For more information, please contact Dr. Gerald L. Pocius (gpocius@mun.ca; 864-8366).
• Having a plan in place in case of power outages and extreme
• Checking in on neighbours (especially seniors) to offer help.
• Pairing up with a neighbour who is equipped with an off-grid heat source (a wood stove, an oil furnace, etc.) before the next power failure. Ensure that neighbours know they are welcome to “visit” when the power is out!
• Respecting posted speed limits when driving.
• Avoiding dumping any snow onto the roadway.
• Wearing bright and/or reflective clothing when out for a walk or jog.
• Checking culverts around your properties and helping keep them clear of debris so they can handle the rain and snow we will be surely getting in the
near future!
– Sébastien Després (Mayor), Dena Wiseman (Deputy Mayor), councillors René Astrada, Ralph Carey, Tommy Crocker, Terry Dunne, and Kevin Smart, Geraldine Caul (Town Clerk), and Barb Harrigan (Assistant Clerk)
• January 5, 2014 •
Regulations for Associations Seeking the Support of Council
In order to ensure fairness and transparency across the board, Council has ratified the following regulations to help guide us in our decision-making. The ratification process is simple and straight-forward – associations simply have to fill out a one-page “Association Ratification Form” in order to have their requests (also a one-page form) considered.
A. An “Association” shall be considered as a group of persons who have come together to share a common passion and achieve a common goal. Associations must have a clearly defined purpose that does not conflict with the Mission, Vision, Values, Goals, or Objectives of Council. The association must intend to carry out activities that do not infringe any federal, provincial, municipal or other regulations and which will not interfere with the business of the Town. The association must not infringe on the rights and privileges of others, including the rights of privacy and of freedom of expression. An association is a separate legal entity from the Council, subject to its own rights and obligations. The commitments of an association are the responsibility of its members, and under no circumstance shall Council be held liable for their actions.
B. In order to receive support or funds from Witless Bay’s Council, an association must have been ratified by Council. Associations seeking ratification by Council must submit a duly completed “Association Ratification Form.” For an association to be ratified, at least 20% of its membership must reside in Witless Bay. If this condition is not met, the association must demonstrate that a minimum of 20% of the association’s activities directly benefit the Town of Witless Bay and its residents.
C. The financial contributions that the Council may grant to an association should not constitute the association’s only source of income. Associations must finance themselves through their members’ contributions and other regular channels. Only when such sources of income prove insufficient will the Council consider granting financial support.
D. Approval or rejection of funding requests is at the discretion of the Finance Committee, subject to approval of Council
E. Associations seeking funding from Council must submit a duly completed Funding Request Form.
F. In order to receive funds, the association must hold a bank account in the legal name of the association, and must not have any outstanding debts with Council.
G. Funds must be used towards serving the residents of Witless Bay.
H. Funds must not be used for the private use of a few individuals.
I. Council will not disburse funds for direct donation to charity, the cost of alcohol served at any event, or the day-to-day administrative costs of an organization.
J. Any association receiving funds from Council must list the Town of Witless Bay as a sponsor in all advertising for the event or project for which the association received funding.
K. Applications for financial support will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
– Does the intent of the support requested fit within Council’s mandate?
– How do the support requested contribute to the success of the association’s event or project?
– How do residents of Witless Bay benefit from the event or project?
– How much external fundraising has the association done?
• January 5, 2014 •
Proposed Regulations on Permits
At the November 26 meeting of Council, Notice of Motion was given for the ratification of the following Regulations on Permits. The great majority of these are not new regulations – they’re adaptations of the existing regulations. The intent of many of the changes proposed below is to soften the current regulations for residents, making them less onerous for small-scale projects. The intent of other changes proposed is to protect residents and landowners from potential issues resulting from unregulated, unauthorized, and illegal development. Councillors have been asked to review the proposed regulations so that we can ratify them at the May 2014 meeting of Council. Residents are invited to give their feedback on these as well!
1.No land within the municipal boundaries of Witless Bay, regardless of size, is to be subdivided without the prior approval, in writing, of Council. (as per Statutes of Newfoundland 2000, 29.2:a)
2.No development, construction, extension, demolition, excavation, grading, clearing or grubbing is to take place without a permit from the Town.
(Current Regulations: “No excavation or development of any kind is to take place without a permit from the town.”; “General exterior repair permits will be issued to Seniors free of charge.”; “All sheds require a permit regardless of size and are subject to cost as indicated in tax structure.” From the Municipalities Act 1999, Section 194: “A person shall not within a municipality: erect a building; extend, repair, relocate or demolish an existing building; change the use for which an existing building is or was last held or occupied; or occupy a building that has been vacant for a period of 6 months or more or a newly constructed building, except in accordance with a written permit from the council.”)
3. All building applications must be must be duly filled out and signed before being considered by Council. Applications must be in the Applicant’s name, and must be accompanied by a duly filled out plot plan, the applicable application fee, and a legal survey (for new home constructions and commercial applications, the survey must be not older than 5 years).
(Current Regulations: “All building applications must be accompanied by a detailed plot plan, survey not older than 5 years and in applicant’s name, and application fee where applicable.”; “Before a residential or commercial permit is issued the Town office must have a legal survey which is not older than 5 years.”)
4. The fees related to permits will be according to the Annual Tax Structure adopted by Council.
(Current regulations: “Building permit costs will be charged according to the annual tax structure adopted by Council.”)
5. If the applicant has any outstanding debts with Council (e.g. fines, levies, late taxes, taxes owing from previous years, etc.), this debt must be paid in full before any application is considered for approval. (As per the Municipalities Act, Section 404).
(Example: The City of St. John’s Building Bylaws read, “Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-Law any person who owes outstanding fines to the City of St. John’s for a by-law or regulatory violation for which he has been convicted shall not be entitled to a permit issued pursuant to this By-Law until such time as all such outstanding fines have been paid” (9.1).
6. Permits issued by Council are valid for one year from the date of issue, with the option of renewal for one year. After the second year, the applicant must re-apply to the Town.
(NO CHANGE. Current regulations: “Permits issued by Council will be valid for a period of one year from the date of issue, with the option of renewal for one year. After the second year, applicant must re-apply to the Town.”
7. Permits that are issued to an applicant cannot be transferred. If a property changes hands at any point before the construction is completed, the purchaser must make a new application to the town once he is in possession of a legal deed of conveyance, and submit all required documents with the application.
8. The Town does not provide compliance or occupancy permits. Compliance with existing codes is not implied or warrantied by Council’s issuance of a permit. Council’s approval of developments is in principle only, and subject to final approvals by the appropriate government agencies. The developer of any residential, commercial, or industrial development in the Town of Witless Bay is responsible for meeting all current provincial and national standards.
(Current regulations: “The Town will not provide compliance/occupancy permit.”; “Compliance to existing codes is not implied or warranted by the issuance of permits by Council.”; “The developer of any residential, commercial, or industrial development within the Town of Witless Bay will be responsible for meeting all provincial or national standards that exist.”; “Permits given the Town’s approval shall be in principle only and subject to other government agency’s final approvals.”)
9. The applicant and builder are both responsible to construct as per submitted plans. Any changes must be approved by Council, in writing.
10. Permits to develop will not be issued on newly-developed roads until the road is legally turned over to the Town.
(NO CHANGE. Current regulations: “Permits to develop will NOT be issued on newly developed roads until the road is legally turned over to the Town.”)
11. A driveway must be properly ditched and a culvert meeting the Town’s standards must be installed and inspected by Council before the Town can grant a permit to develop a new lot or construct a new home.
(Current regulations: “Prior to any new home construction, a driveway must be properly ditched and an appropriate culvert (plastic, min. 24″ in diameter) installed and inspected by Council. A permit will be given only when the work is completed to the satisfaction of council. (Motion #2006-094).”)
12. There shall be no unauthorized ditch filling or altering. Building on any watercourse constructed as a public storm sewer or ditch without prior approval from Town Council is an offence. Written notice will be given to the property owner that the installation will need to be removed upon the Town identifying, at its discretion; i) a potential detrimental effect to Town-owned infrastructure, ii) unsafe or failed conditions, or iii) the installation as a contributing cause to drainage issues. The property owner will be given five weeks (35 days) to remedy the issue. If the issue is not resolved within 35 days, the Town will rectify the issue at the owner’s expense.
(Municipalities Act 1999, Section 196: “A person shall not within a municipality: dig or construct ditches, drains or culverts; make greater use of existing ditches, drains or culverts; or connect to an existing storm drainage system, whether publicly or privately owned, except in accordance with a written permit from the council. A council shall not approve a permit under subsection (1) without the prior written approval of the Department of Environment and Labour.”
13. To construct, renovate, demolish or excavate without a permit or with an expired permit carries a fine of not more than $10,000 for a first offence and not more than $25,000 for a subsequent offence. In addition, if construction contravenes the Town’s zoning regulations or by-laws, an additional fine of up to $10,000 may be levied. Also, the owner will be responsible for the cost of dismantling such construction and restoring the site if so ruled, and the cost of rectifying any problems identified by Council.
In most Canadian cities, the fine for building without a permit is normally up to $50,000 for a first offence and up to $100,000 for subsequent offences. Most towns with this type of bylaw specify $25,000 for a first offence and up to $50,000 for any subsequent offence.
14. Stop Work Orders can be issued by Council at any time if no permit has been issued for the civic address/addresses in question. Where a permit has been granted and has not yet expired, any Stop Work Order must be sanctioned by Council during a public meeting.The daily fine for disobeying a Stop Work Order shall be $500.
(Current regulations: “No excavation or development of any kind is to take place without a permit from the town.”; “All Stop Work Orders must be issued only if approved by Council at a public meeting and listed by civic number only.”; “The daily fine to be imposed if a stop work order is not obeyed will be $25.00.”)
15. Development applications which do not conform to the Town Plan, municipal by-laws, the Municipalities Act, and/or other development regulations will be denied. Specific reference to the regulations in question will be cited in the Town’s written response and denial.
16. Whenever possible, Discretionary Use Notices, Variance Notices, and Stop Work Orders that are posted will be listed by civic number only, and will be accompanied by a map as well as the intended use of the land.
(SLIGHT CHANGE TO INCLUDE SWOs. Current regulations: “All discretionary use notices and variances that are posted will include civic number only (if land is assessed) and will include a map, as well as intended use of land.”; “All Stop Work Orders must be… listed by civic number only.”)
• March 7, 2014 •
Draft Agenda for the March 11, 2014
Public Meeting of the Witless Bay Town Council
Town Hall – 7:30 p.m.
1. Call to order
2. Adoption of the March 11, 2014 Agenda
3. Adoption of the February 11, 2014 Minutes of Meeting
4. Presentations – Individuals/Delegations:
a) Mr. Ed Vickers
5. Business arising from Minutes:
a) Maintaining cul-de-sacs and compiling road list
b) Gallows Cove Road/Mullowney’s Lane per Minister Steve Kent’s correspondence
c) Outside Development Officer – Quote for proposal
6. General Business:
a) Group Ratification – Mobile Central High
b) PMA Schedule of Municipal Trainings – Information sheet
7. Committee Reports –
I. Finance:
a) Snow clearing logs
b) Payables
II. Community Enhancement Committee Meeting
III. Public Works & Compliance:
a) Right of Way – Williams’ Lane
b) Application to develop residential dwelling – 149-151 Harbour Road
c) Application to develop residential dwelling – 115-121A Gallows Cove Road
d) Operate home based business – 37-41A Gull PondRoad
1V. Culture, Heritage & Environment:
a) Let’s Talk Garbage
8. Adjournment
• February 9, 2014 •
Draft Agenda for the February 11, 2014
Public Meeting of the Witless Bay Town Council
Town Hall – 7:30 p.m.
1. Call to order
2. Adoption of February 11, 2014 Agenda
3. Adoption of January 7, 2014 Minutes of Meeting
4. Swearing in of new Councillor
5. Business Arising from Minutes:
a) Outside Development Officer
b) Parish Council’s request to re-zone
6. General Business:
a) Municipal Affairs – Revised correspondence re Gallows
Cove Road/Mullowney’s Lane
b) 3-way stop on Harbour Road/Dean’s Road/Bear’s Cove Road
c) BBBAA after school program funding – Information
d) Correspondence – Public Right of Way on Bear’s Cove
e) Correspondence – request for town to upgrade end of Bear’s Cove
Road to town standards
f) Appointing Appeal Commissioner for 2014
g) Folklore Students coming to Witless Bay
h) Hosting a “Recycle My Cell Drop-Off”
i) MMSB – Backyard Composting Program
7. Committee Reports:
(i) Finance
a) Adoption of 2014 Budget
b) Cash flow analysis report & payables
c) Snow clearing logs
(ii) BBBAA – Report from the Accountability Committee
(iii) NEAR Plan (Creation & Cost)
(iv) Community Enhancement Committee
(v) Northeast Avalon Joint Council
(vi) Southern Shore Joint Council
(vii) Heritage
(viii) Public Works & Compliance
a) Street Light Review
b) Application to operate home-based business
-Transportation for the public and future tours for tourist – 6 Ocean View
c) Application to operate business – Audio
/Video Editing Suite – 367 Southern Shore Highway
d) Crown Land application (renewal) – Gull Pond
Road & correspondence from developers (correspondence for information
purpose only)
e) Crown Land – Dean’s Road
8. Adjournment
• January 29, 2014 •
Our Council in Witless Bay now has a new member! Terry Dunne was acclaimed in the By-Election that was held on January 28th!
• January 18, 2014 •
At our January 2014 Council meeting, we created the Community Enhancement Committee! Our first meeting will be on Tuesday, February 4th, at 7:30pm in the Council chambers. Join up to help make Witless Bay an even better place to live!
• January 4, 2013 •
Draft Agenda for the January 7, 2013 Public Meeting
1. Call to order
2. Adoption of January 7, 2014 Agenda
3. Adoption of December 10, 2013 Minutes of Meeting
4. Business Arising from Minutes:
a. Notice of Motion – Documentation storage & management & records protection solutions
b. Notice of Motion – Change frequency of public meetings
c. Outside Development Officer
5. General Business:
a. By-Election
b. Election of Deputy Mayor
c. Motion to create a Community Enhancement Committee, whose purpose is to beautify the Town, build civic pride, and work towards environmental sustainability
d. Correspondence – Town of Bay Bulls re Outside Enforcement Officer
e. Correspondence – Request for street light on 100 Gallows Cove Road
f. Correspondence – Parish Council’s request to re-zone land from Public to Residential
g. Correspondence – Request to re-zone crown land from Rural to Residential
h. Snow clearing Amendment #8 – deleting “Snow Clearing #3 a & b relating to hours of operation
6. Presentations by Individuals & Delegations – No submissions for Jan. 7 meeting
7. Committee Reports:
a. Cash Flow Analysis Report
b. Payables
c. Auditor’s fee for 2014
d. Snow clearing logs
e. Budget 2014
Public Works & Compliance:
a. Application to operate a business (Summer Rental B & B) – 178 Harbour Road
b. Application to develop residential dwelling – 68 Dunn’s Lane
8. Adjournment
• December 6, 2013 •
Draft Agenda for the December 10, 2013 Public Meeting of Council
1. Call the meeting to order
2. Adoption of December 10/13 agenda
3. Adoption of November 26/13 Minutes of Meeting
4. Business arising from minutes:
a) Notice of motion made at Nov. 26/13 meeting – To ratify proposed Regulations on Permits
b) Notice of motion made at Nov. 26/13 meeting – To ratify proposed regulations governing requests of support of Council
c) Notice of motion made at Nov. 26/13 meeting – To rescind motions omnibus relating to Rules of Procedure
d) Notice of motion made at Nov. 26/13 meeting – Document storage & management and records protection solutions
e) Notice of motion – To change the frequency of Council meetings
f) Meeting with BBBAA
g) Motion to accept tender for repairs to Tamarack Drive
h) Motion to accept tender for Class A spreading – Area between Felix’s & Tourism area
i) Correspondence from Nov. 26/13 meeting relating to excavations without permits and contamination concerns
j) Meeting with Jamie Hunt relating to Recreation Revitalization Project
k) Responsible authority for repairing/replacing culverts within the town – Confirmed by the Town’s Engineer the authority lies with the town, unless the culverts are on brooks, streams, etc., whereby they then become the authority of the Department of Environment and Labour.
l) Subdivision proposal for Gull Pond Road – Discussion on the authority of Council to accept the proposal – “If the proposed development does not conform to the Plan or Regulations, the application must be refused” (Witless Bay Town Plan 5.0: Implementation, Development Control).”
m) Municipal Assessment Agency – Vote for Avalon Director
n) Crown Land on Southern Shore Highway
5. General Business:
a) CPAWS/NL Power – Light hood project & request for letter of support
b) Motion to suspend rules in order to extend the deadline for submissions for the January 7, 2014 public meeting’s agenda by 24 hours.
c) Independent Consultants Group Ltd. – Development/Control Officer proposal
6. Presentations for Individuals & Delegations – Nothing submitted
7. Committee Reports:
a) Cash Flow Analysis Report – Information only
b) Payables – Information only
a) Quarry Renewal – South of Witless Bay Line
b) Residential Dwelling – Northside Track (unassessed land)
c) Residential Dwelling – Gull Pond Road
d) New business – 367 Southern Shore Highway
e) Subdivision proposal – Bear’s Cove Road
8. Adjournment
• NOVEMBER 22, 2013 •
Draft Agenda – Council Meeting of November 26, 2013
Town Hall – 7:30 p.m.
1. Call to order
2. Adoption of November 26/13 Agenda
3. Adoption of November 12/13 Minutes of Meeting
4. Business Arising from Minutes:
a) Motion to amend motion #2013-202 relating to the
proposal for a subdivision on Gull Pond Road
b) Track Road & Harbour Road – Kendall Engineering -
Status update
c) 20-22 Hillsway Drive – Variance
d) Engineer approved subdivision recommended for
Council approval – Emerald Estates
e) Southern Shore Arena – Breakdown of stabilization
f) Setting meeting with Municipal Affairs’ Jamie Hunt
g) Notice of Motion: To ratify proposed regulations
governing requests for the support of Council
h) BBBAA funding request
5. General Business:
a) Notice of motion: Rescind motions, omnibus, relating
to former Rules of Procedure
b) Correspondence from resident regarding developments
and request for council action
c) Municipal Assessment Agency’s Avalon Director
6. Presentation by Individuals & Delegations: (None received)
Committee Reports:
a) Cash Flow Analysis Report – Information only
b) Payables – Information only
c) Tax Structure – for review for Nov. 27 budget
meeting – Information only
d) Tender cost for repairs to Tamarack Drive
Public Works & Compliance:
a) Dean’s Road property flooding
b) Clean-up of Irishtown Road property
c) Tamarack Drive culvert requirement
d) Northside Track culvert requirement
e) Crown Land Application – Southern
Shore Highway
f) Extension to existing garage – 135
Southside Track
g) Relocating existing driveway – 285
Southern Shore Highway
h) Renovations – 45 Gallows Cove Road
(motion only)
i) Shed – 4 Island View Place
j) New home construction – Maraties Lane
a) Report on Heritage meeting
7. Adjournment
• NOVEMBER 9, 2013 •
Draft Agenda – Meeting of November 12, 2013
1. Call to order
2. Adoption of November 12/13 Agenda
3. Adoption of October 29/13 Minutes of Meeting
4. Business Arising from Minutes:
a) Amended Rules of Procedure
b) Town website
c) Kendall Engineering: Track Road & Harbour Rd.
d) Ratification of 50+ Club for use of Witless Bay Community Centre
e) Crown Land on Tower Road – approved in principle Oct. 29/13 (Motion #2013-194)
f) Application to develop residential dwelling (appealed) – Cart Hill Road/Alban Carey’s Road
g) Subdivision proposal – Gull Pond Road
h) Application to develop residential dwelling on 20-22 Hillsway Drive – approved in principle Oct. 29/13 pending results of variance notice (2 letters received)
5. Presentation by Individuals and Delegations
6. Notices of Motions:
a) Formulating a Mission Statement
b) Rescind Motion # 2013-120, where Council accepted to upgrade Gallows Cove Road to current town s standards
c) Rescind Motion # 2013-139, where Council changed criteria for culverts from 23″ to 18″ in diameter
d) To begin review of amalgamation of Local Service Districts
7. New Business:
a) Information only – Municipal Affairs’ new formula for releasing Municipal Operation Grants
b) Information only – Eastern Waste Management’s 2014 Fee Structure
c) Municipal Affairs – Request to meet with Council re Recreation Revitalization Project (new rec building)
d) Fire Department – Request for Council to re-apply for new fire truck
e) Fire Department – Request to accept offer of $600 for old Ford 350 fire truck
8. Finance:
a) Cash Flow Analysis Report
b) Payables
c) Southern Shore Arena request for financial support
9. Public Works & Compliance:
a) Replace siding on residence on 23 Northside Track – Motion only.
b) Residential dwelling – Lot 65 Emerald Estates
c) Residential dwelling – Lot 50 Emerald Estates
d) Baby barn – 107 Dunn’s Lane
e) Operate new business – 162 Gull Pond Road
f) Municipal Recommendation for Crown Land – O’Brien’s Road
g) Engineer approved subdivision plans – Emerald Estates Phase 3 & 4
10. Adjournment
• NOVEMBER 9, 2013 •
Council Meetings: Notes on the participation of the general public
The Town Council of Witless Bay believes in open, accountable, and accessible government. Council and council committee meetings are conducted in public, and everyone is invited to attend. A discussion session follows each meeting, where the general public may address Council freely. Individuals and organizations are also able to make presentations and appear as a delegation at Council meetings. We publish agendas at least 48 hours in advance of the meetings. Agendas & minutes can be found on the Council’s website.
Any delegation wishing to address council is required to notify the Town Clerk in writing prior to 12:00pm Noon on the Thursday prior to the Council meeting for inclusion on the agenda. There will be no discussion of items not on the agenda during public meetings of Council. The delegation must appoint a spokesperson, who will appear before Council shortly following the adoption of the minutes. While Councillors may ask questions to a delegation’s spokesperson, there shall be no debate at this time. The members of the delegation have a right to sit through the remainder of the council meeting, but have no right to address council after having presented their case.
During meetings of Council, the Chair may entertain a request to speak from a member of the general public if this person has information to offer that is directly pertinent to the motion on the floor. The member of the public must follow the proper procedure by waiting for all elected Councillors to have had the opportunity to discuss the matter, and signal their wish to participate in the discussion by raising her/his hand and waiting to be acknowledged by the Chair. Please note that defamatory, frivolous or offensive remarks, regardless of their target, will result in the individual’s immediate expulsion from Council chambers.
• November 9, 2013 •
Ratified Rules of Procedure
Notice & Agenda for Meetings
1. Regular public meetings of Council shall be held in the Town Office, preferably every two weeks.
2. The Mayor, the Deputy Mayor in the Mayor’s absence, or any two members of Council may call a meeting. All regular meetings of Council must be preceded by a notice of at least 48 hours, which must be coordinated by the Town Clerk.
3. In an emergency situation, a special meeting of Council may be called by a majority of councillors in office. Such emergency meetings must be preceded by a notice of at least 2 hours, and shall deal with only the item(s) of business for which the emergency meeting has been called.
4. Notice for meetings must include the final version of the agenda, in such a manner as to apprise the public of the business to be discussed. Broad items such as “Report of the Chair” shall be avoided.
5. All correspondence, accounts, applications, or any other item to be discussed at a public meeting of Council must be submitted to the Town Office by 12:00 p.m. noon on the Thursday prior to the Council meeting for inclusion on the agenda. Any item submitted after this deadline will be addressed at the next public meeting of Council.
6. During public meetings of Council, there shall be no discussion of items not on the agenda, nor shall there be action on items not on the agenda.
7. Notice of motion must be given prior to consideration of all regulations or amendments thereto and for the re-consideration of a previously adopted motion or resolution.
8. Council will not act on anonymous complaints.
9. There may be action on any item on the agenda, unless the agenda explicitly states that this item is “For information only.”
10. The agenda for all public meetings shall include:
a. The date, time, and place of the meeting.
b. The exact wording of all motions for which a notice of motion has been given.
11. The minutes of council meetings shall include:
a. The date and place of the meeting.
b. The time at which the meeting was called to order.
c. A record of the attendance at the meeting, including the time when individual councillors arrived or left.
d. The exact wording of all motions and resolutions put before council.
e. The names of the mover and seconder of each motion or resolution.
f. The names of councillors in favour, against, or abstaining on every motion or resolution.
g. A brief description of all reports or other documents presented to council, including presentations made by any delegations.
h. Any declaration of a conflict of interest by a member of council and a record of that councillor’s leaving the meeting while the matter is under discussion.
i. The time of adjournment.
Public Meetings of Council
12. Quorum for public meetings of Council is four councillors.
13. All in attendance shall respect and follow the Rules of Order established by Council.
14. Unless a conflict of interest is declared or a councillor has been permitted to abstain by a majority vote of the other councillors in attendance at the meeting, all councillors must vote on all matters before Council. This includes the Mayor, who has one vote. An abstention is the equivalent of a negative vote.
15. All business of Council shall be conducted by roll call vote (Municipalities Act, 212(4)).
16. A motion or resolution is considered to be defeated in the case of a tie vote.
17. Motions requiring a two-thirds majority require the assent of two-thirds of the councillors in office, not two-thirds of the councillors present (i.e. five supporters are needed when seven councillors are in office).
18. If a motion is not supported by a majority vote, it must be deferred until the next public meeting of Council. If not finalized on that date, three months must elapse before Council includes it on the agenda again.
19. All committees of Council act in an advisory capacity, and do not have any power to act on their own. All committee recommendations must be discussed and decided by Council before becoming valid.
20. Council may go into closed session when a two-thirds majority of Councillors vote that a discussion be held “In Camera.” Decisions taken during closed sessions are not valid until they are moved, seconded, and passed at a public meeting.
21. Any delegation wishing to address council is required to notify the Town Clerk in writing prior to the deadline for inclusion on the agenda. The delegation must appoint a spokesperson, who will appear before Council shortly following the adoption of the minutes. Delegations’ requests will be discussed by Council at a later point in the proceedings or at a future meeting. While members may ask questions to a delegation’s spokesperson, there shall be no debate at this time. The members of the delegation have a right to sit through the remainder of the council meeting, but have no right to address council after their spokesperson has presented their case.
22. Public meetings of Council shall adjourn at 10:30pm, whether or not all agenda items have been settled.
23. Immediately following the adjournment of each public meeting, there shall be a “Public Comment” section, where the public may talk about anything, and where Council may question the public, but where no further action or discussion is allowed. This “Public Comment” section shall end by 11:00pm at the latest.
Communication with the General Public
24. The Town Clerk shall ensure that the agenda for the public meetings of Council are posted on the Town Website at least 48 hours prior to every meeting, and a notice placed on the door of the town hall.
25. The Town Clerk shall ensure that the ratified minutes of all public meetings are posted on the Town Website within one week following their ratification.
26. Updates to policies and procedures shall be posted on the Town Website as they are adopted, and placed on the Town Hall’s bulletin board.
27. A newsletter shall be sent out to residents at least once every four months.
28. Access to Information forms shall be used for public requests where deemed necessary. (M#2011-058)
• OCTOBER 15, 2013 •
Our New Council’s First Meeting
I just got home from our first meeting of Town Council, and am happy to report that it went superbly well. I’m privileged to be working with a group of superbly engaged and involved councillors!
At this meeting, we resolved that we will now hold bimonthly meetings of Council instead of monthly meetings. This will not only help expedite the business of Council, but will also allow Council to do more, in real terms, with and for the residents of Witless Bay.
At this meeting, I also gave a notice of motion on a proposal for the Rules of Order that Council will be following during its public meetings from now on, along with a notice of motion for an entirely new set of Rules of Procedure (see them pasted below). Both of these will be discussed at the upcoming meeting of Council.
In the course this first meeting, it quickly became clear that one key change that we must bring right away is the re-writing of all of our application forms, which are currently unclear, misleading, and confusing. While our Town Plan clearly sets out the rules, regulations, and expectations relating to almost any type of development or permit, the application process doesn’t currently mirror these at all.
I’m already looking forward to our next meeting!
Notice & Agenda for Meetings
1. Regular public meetings of Council shall be held in the Town Office on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month.
2. The Mayor, the Deputy Mayor in the Mayor’s absence, or any two members of Council may call a meeting. All regular meetings of Council must be preceded by a notice of at least 48 hours, which must be coordinated by the Town Clerk.
3. In an emergency situation, a special meeting of Council may be called by a majority of councillors in office. Such emergency meetings must be preceded by a notice of at least 2 hours, and shall deal with only the item(s) of business for which the emergency meeting has been called.
4. Notice for meetings must include the final version of the agenda, in such a manner as to apprise the public of the business to be discussed. Broad items such as “Report of the Chair” shall be avoided.
5. All correspondence, accounts, applications, or any other item to be discussed at a public meeting of Council must be submitted to the Town Office by 12:00pm Noon on the Thursday prior to the Council meeting for inclusion on the agenda. Any item submitted after this deadline will be addressed at the next public meeting of Council.
6. During public meetings of Council, there shall be no discussion of items not on the agenda, nor shall there be action on items not on the agenda.
7. Notice of motion must be given prior to consideration of all regulations or amendments thereto and for the re-consideration of a previously adopted motion or resolution.
8. Council will not act on anonymous complaints.
9. There may be action on any item on the agenda, unless the agenda explicitly states that this item is “For information only.”
10. The agenda for all public meetings shall include:
a. The date, time, and place of the meeting.
b. The exact wording of all motions for which a notice of motion has been given.
11. The minutes of council meetings shall include:
a. The date and place of the meeting.
b. The time at which the meeting was called to order.
c. A record of the attendance at the meeting, including the time when individual councillors arrived or left.
d. The exact wording of all motions and resolutions put before council.
e. The names of the mover and seconder of each motion or resolution.
f. The names of councillors in favour, against, or abstaining on every motion or resolution.
g. A brief description of all reports or other documents presented to council, including presentations made by any delegations.
h. Any declaration of a conflict of interest by a member of council and a record of that councillor’s leaving the meeting while the matter is under discussion.
i. The time of adjournment.
Public Meetings of Council
12. Quorum for public meetings of Council is four councillors.
13. All in attendance shall respect and follow the Rules of Order established by Council.
14. Unless a conflict of interest is declared or a councillor has been permitted to abstain by a majority vote of the other councillors in attendance at the meeting, all councillors must vote on all matters before Council. This includes the Mayor, who has one vote. An abstention is the equivalent of a negative vote.
15. All business of Council shall be conducted by roll call vote (Municipalities Act, 212(4)).
16. A motion or resolution is considered to be defeated in the case of a tie vote.
17. Motions requiring a two-thirds majority require the assent of two-thirds of the councillors in office, not two-thirds of the councillors present (i.e. five supporters are needed when seven councillors are in office).
18. If a motion is not supported by a majority vote, it must be deferred until the next public meeting of Council. If not finalized on that date, three months must elapse before Council includes it on the agenda again.
19. All committees of Council act in an advisory capacity, and do not have any power to act on their own. All committee recommendations must be discussed and decided by Council before becoming valid.
20. Council may go into closed session when a two-thirds majority of Councillors vote that a discussion be held “In Camera.” Decisions taken during closed sessions are not valid until they are moved, seconded, and passed at a public meeting.
21. Any delegation wishing to address council is required to notify the Town Clerk in writing prior to the deadline for inclusion on the agenda. The delegation must appoint a spokesperson, who will appear before Council shortly following the adoption of the minutes. Delegations’ requests will be discussed by Council at a later point in the proceedings or at a future meeting. While members may ask questions to a delegation’s spokesperson, there shall be no debate at this time. The members of the delegation have a right to sit through the remainder of the council meeting, but have no right to address council after their spokesperson has presented their case.
22. Public meetings of Council shall adjourn at 10:30pm, whether or not all agenda items have been settled.
23. Immediately following the adjournment of each public meeting, there shall be a “Public Comment” section, where the public may talk about anything, and where Council may question the public, but where no further action or discussion is allowed. This “Public Comment” section shall end by 11:00pm at the latest.
Communication with the General Public
24. The Town Clerk shall ensure that the agenda for the public meetings of Council are posted on the Town Website at least 48 hours prior to every meeting.
25. The Town Clerk shall ensure that the ratified minutes of all public meetings are posted on the Town Website within one week following their ratification.
26. Updates to policies and procedures shall be posted on the Town Website as they are adopted.
27. A newsletter shall be sent out to residents at least once every four months.
28. Access to Information forms shall be used for public requests where deemed necessary. (M#2011-058)
• OCTOBER 9, 2013 •
Transparency & Accountability
Following the swearing-in ceremony and my election as Mayor on October 9th, we resolved that agenda items would no longer be discussed during closed sessions, but out in the open, during the public meetings. This is a small but significant first step toward transparency and collaboration, and I look forward to many more during the first meeting of Council, on Tuesday, October 15th.