When I ran for Council in 2013, I focused on four things: accountability, low taxes, smart growth and community-building. As Mayor, I have worked to keep my promises. I’m lucky to be working with a great team of dedicated councillors and a growing group of keen residents – below is a short record of our work relating to these four points.
I strive to help Council and residents work together to make the best decisions for our community. The members of Council and Town Staff work for more open communication, transparency & collaboration. So far, we have brought the following changes:
✱ The Agenda for monthly public meetings is now posted online prior to each meeting so that residents interested in the issues to be discussed can plan to attend.
✱ The Minutes of monthly public meetings (which now include context and key discussion points) are posted online within a week of their ratification. (click HERE to see the Minutes of past meetings!)
✱ Transparency & collaboration in all decision-making is continually emphasized. There are a number of ways that the public can now participate in public Council meetings.
✱ There are now two residents’ advisory committees (mostly made up of residents) who help provide advice to Council: The Heritage Committee and the Community Enhancement Committee. Please consider joining one of these!
✱ In the coming months, we will be working to make the Town Website more comprehensive, user-friendly & accessible (http://torbay.ca & http://www.pcsp.ca are great examples).
For most residents of Witless Bay, low taxes are an important consideration. Recognizing this, our Town Council has reduced the mil rate by 11% in 2014. In the coming months, we will:
✱ Work to lower the minimum property tax to relieve the tax burden on our most vulnerable citizens.
✱ Manage town finances conscientiously & responsibly and control operating expenses.
✱ Focus on smart growth for long-term prosperity.
✱ Work to make Witless Bay an even more attractive place for business & industry.
In the past five years, Witless Bay has grown more than the great majority of towns in the province. This growth must be carefully planned to ensure that it is sustainable & that it maximizes potential benefits for all residents. I will continuously keep inviting our Council to:
✱ Work closely with developers to ensure that new developments benefit all residents and avoid future financial & legal liabilities for the Town.
✱ Conduct thorough assessments of all new developments to ensure that the costs associated with these don’t exceed the tax revenues they’re hoped to generate.
✱ Make the protection of our Town’s water table & wells priority #1.
✱ Help protect & preserve Witless Bay’s unique natural & historical assets.
✱ Make residents’ quality of life a priority. This includes ensuring infrastructure & built environment, reliable & cost-effective services, access to facilities for recreation, physical fitness & leisure, and the fostering of a sense of community & belonging.
✱ Work for safer roads in our community. We have reduced speed limits throughout the community, and posted a number of road signs to help control traffic. We have widened aprons in trouble spots to reduce the amount of dirt and stone at intersections, and are installing a number of swales throughout the community to get the water off the roadway more effectively.
✱ Focus on growing business & industry so that Witless Bay never becomes a soulless “bedroom community.” Our new Town Plan identifies a number of key areas for light industrial and commercial growth, which are proactively zoned for this purpose. We have also spearheaded a strategic planning initiative to help grow the right types of businesses in the community.
A strong sense of community and town pride, active volunteer networks & a friendly feel increases the quality of life or residents & contributes to the Town’s economic prosperity by drawing more visitors, residents & businesses. Our Town Council is currently:
✱ Facilitating the establishment of a number of community-oriented projects.
✱ Working to assist community groups & associations in communicating with residents.
✱ Helping to build a stronger sense of place by working on signage, community mapping (click HERE for a great example), and a number of low-cost community-oriented actions.
✱ Looking into community composting initiatives to help keep our garbage collection rates low (Click HERE for MMSB’s explanation). We have sold 50 MMSB-subsidized composters to residents at cost (which was a fraction of the normal cost), and intend to do the same next year.
✱ Continually striving to foster pride in our community & promote a stronger sense of belonging & cohesiveness.
✱ Helping local groups and associations lobby other levels of government for funding.
• My biography
• Our Community Enhancement Committee
• Ideas for bettering our community
• Media Coverage of Council