VOCM Nightline, May 12, 2014
“”Witless Bay’s Giant Garbage Puffin”
Radio-Canada, May 14, 2014
“Un macareux fait d’ordures”
Click HERE for the video & to read the full story (in French)!
CBC News, May 12, 2014
“”Witless Bay creates massive puffin out of beach garbage: More than 2,500 kg of garbage picked up on doorstep of ecological reserve”
Click HERE for the video of the interview & to read the full story!
Click HERE for the story on Here & Now (starts at 3:15)
Click HERE to see the CBC’s Facebook post & audience comments – well over 100 shares!!!
Sun News, May 12, 2014
“Newfoundland Town Creates World’s Largest Garbage Puffin”
Click HERE for the full story!
Vancouver Star, May 14, 2014
“Vancouver Star – Coastal Cleanup in NL Spawns Massive Puffin out of Garbage”
The Telegram, May 12, 2014
“Community cleanup a success; giant garbage puffin not so much”
Click HERE for the full story!
Correspondences Insulaires, May 11, 2014
“Réflexions autour du macareux de vidanges (Garbage Puffin) de Witless Bay”
Click HERE for the Blog post
Irish Loop Post, May 7, 2014 (Volume 7, #9, p.3)
“New Speed Limits Coming to Witless Bay” and “Public Works Group will take Second Look at Speed Limits”
Irish Loop Post, May 7, 2014 (Volume 7, #9, p. 5)
“Witless Bay Making Final Tweaks to Town Plan”
Irish Loop Post, May 7, 2014 (Volume 7, #9, p.7)
“Witless Bay Cleanup to Feature Record Event”
Irish Loop Post, May 7, 2014 (Volume 7, #9, cover page)
“Conflict of Interest Query Gets Airing” and “Councillor Addresses FORB Issue”
Irish Loop Post, May 7, 2014 (Volume 7, #9, p.5)
“Signs of the Times: Feds Insist ‘Action Plan’ signs accompany mark roadwork project.”
Irish Loop Post, April 16, 2014 (Volume 7, #7; p.3) Leaving Little to Chance – Creation of World record sized puffin selection of official Town flower among events Witless Bay council is using to prepare for Tidy Towns
“Leaving Little to Chance: Creation of World record sized puffin, selection of official Town flower among events Witless Bay council is using to prepare for Tidy Towns”
Irish Loop Post, April 7, 2014 (Volume 7, #7; p.2)
“Seeing the Lights: Witless Bay Council shelves hooded light project for now, but agrees to tweak street lighting”
Irish Loop Post, March 26, 2014 (Volume 7, #6; Cover & p.4)
“Ragged Beach Rift Leaves Raw Feeling”; “Witless Bay Mayor Taking action to Repair Rift over Ragged Beach”
CBC Radio, March 21, 2014 (Radio Noon with Maggie Gillis)
“Listener Comments on Witless Bay Council’s decision to abandon the rezoning of Ragged Beach”
The Telegram, March 21, 2014 (Volume 136, #296, Cover Page)
“Witless Bay Developer Furious after Council Quashes Project”
CBC Radio, March 20, 2014 (Radio Noon with Maggie Gillis)
“Witless Bay Council abandons rezoning of Ragged Beach”
Irish Loop Post, March 12, 2014 (Volume 7, #5; Cover & p.7)
“Lights from West Aquarius worry bird ‘keepers'”
CBC’s Here and Now, March 5, 2014
“Snowmobile Hancock.” Click HERE for a video of Morning Show sports guy John Hancock visiting Witless Bay and driving a snowmobile for the very first time
Irish Loop Post, February, 2014
“Compliance Officer position will prevent costly fixes down the road, says Mayor”
Irish Loop Post, February 25, 2014 (Volume 7, #4)
“Ragged Beach Redux – Controversial issue could play out at next month’s Council meeting”
Irish Loop Post, February 25, 2014 (Volume 7, #4)
“Witless Bay – Editorial by Craig-Westcott”; “Witless Bay budget doubles… possibly”
Irish Loop Post, February 2014
“Tax cut for Witless Bay residents”
Irish Loop Post, January 13, 2014 (Volume 7, #1)
“Seat unexpectedly opens on Witless Bay Council”; “Witless Bay Council moves to get a jump on snow clearing”
Irish Loop Post, January 13, 2014 (Volume 7, #1)
“Witless Bay vying to become Tidy Town champion”; “Mayor looking for help in bid to win Tidy Town”
Irish Loop Post, November 23, 2013 (Volume 6, #24)
“Amalgamation mulled, briefly”; “Council not ready to consider 193 lot subdivision just yet”
Irish Loop Post, November 23, 2013 (Volume 6, #24)
“Witless Bay Council briefs”; “Gallows Cove Road upgrade nixed for now”
Irish Loop Post, November 23, 2013 (Volume 6, #24)
“Witless Bay Council acts on Appeal Board ruling”; “Tower Road snag”
CBC / Radio-Canada – Téléjournal Acadie, November 9, 2013
“Sébastien Després, nouveau maire de Witless Bay”
The French branch of the CBC ran a story about me as the new Mayor of Witless Bay, and my vision for the town. This story aired all across Atlantic Canada. To watch, click on the November 9th 2013 show, and fast-forward to 11minutes 45seconds. http://www.radio-canada.ca/emissions/telejournal_acadie/2013-2014/integrales.asp
Irish Loop Post, November 9, 2013 (Volume 6, #23; p.6)
“Friends of Ragged Beach threaten more legal action”
Irish Loop Post, November 9, 2013 (Volume 6, #23; p.6, p.2)
“Witless Bay Council to grapple with cost overruns”; “Carey’s goal to lower taxes”
Irish Loop Post, October 21, 2013 (Volume 6, #22; Front page)
Getting Down to Business – First meeting of Witless Bay Town Council
• My priorities,
• My biography
• Our Community Enhancement Committee
• Ideas for bettering our community